The Palma Airport, Son Sant Joan, will be remodeled to guarantee its environmental sustainability but it will not be able to increase the capacity of flights per hour, which will remain at 66 operations, indicates the favorable resolution issued by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.
In this way, Aena has passed the last step and will begin the work that consists of modernizing the airport infrastructure to improve the quality provided to passengers, but without increasing either the current perimeter or its declared capacity.
The Airport plans to install solar panels on the new roofs, as well as on current buildings where possible.
The resolution includes all the commitments agreed between Aena and the Balearic Environment Commission for this project, which comprises four actions: remote parking platform, processor building and module A, module D and viability, accesses and parking lots.
On the other hand, and to adapt the infrastructure to European security regulations, the SATE room (automated baggage handling system) will be enlarged to be able to install the new EDS machines, which are larger than the current ones

Son Sant Joan airport in Palma de Mallorca. Photo: AENA.
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