The eleventh edition of the magazine Mallorca Global Mag returns once again with contents of great interest to readers and the latest news. The commander of the Western Mediterranean Air Surveillance Squadron, María Cruz Acero, opens this issue to tell how the Mediterranean airspace is guarded. Later, the widely recognised doctor Oriol Bonnín recounts his respected career as a cardiovascular surgeon, while the Mallorcan technologist Joan Francesc Muñoz, a member of NASA, warns of the dangerous objects that surround us.

Singer Chenoa acknowledges in an exclusive interview for Mallorca Global Mag that she has lived through ‘very hard times’, shortly after the magazine analyses the potential of bio-passive housing and the threat of invasive species. The biggest fortunes in the world, Spain and the Balearic Islands, the European food strategy in the face of climate change, trends in swimwear, all the Mallorcans who will compete in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, medical recommendations for travelling abroad… All these topics complete the pages of this new edition, which once again devotes an extensive space to culture, with an interview with the singer and composer Maria Hein and reports dedicated to Soma (street artist); the Mallorcan producer who is a hit on Netflix, Miguel Ruz; the new work of the cartoonist Pau Rodriguez and a tribute to the master of theatre Xesc Forteza.

In addition to an agenda with the most notable events until September, Mallorca Global Mag incorporates the signature of Camilo José Cela Conde, Eduardo Jordá, Margalida Gili, Carlos García-Delgado, Antoni Riera, Andreu Palou, Bartomeu Bestard and José Eduardo Iglesias. Without forgetting the traditional sections of books, films, art exhibitions and plays/shows or the new special Fairs and Festivals.

Portada Mallorca Global Mag primavera - verano 2024

WINTER 2022 – 2023

The tenth edition of the general information magazine Mallorca Global Mag is now available at newsstands near you. Among the many current issues it analyses, it talks about the satelliteisation of space through the experience of the Mallorcan engineer Rafel Jordà. It also tackles the current and future migratory crisis with data and testimonies from its protagonists, with the in-depth report “The Balearic Islands, the second deadliest African migrant route in Spain”.

The autumn-winter 2023 edition presents a preview of the Balearic Islands’ biggest fortunes and the 100 companies with the highest turnover in 2022. Interviews with artists Albert Pinya, Ben Jakober and Yannick Yu – who open the doors of the Sa Bassa Blanca Museum to Mallorca Global Mag – singer and composer Maika Makovski and writer Biel Mesquida occupy the culture pages. Michelin-starred chefs Santi Taura and Fernando P. Arellano detail two recipes for cooking at home. In health and environment, meteorosensitivity and light pollution are dealt with, as well as responsible tourism. The craze for getting married in Mallorca; the three former Collerense footballers, Mariona Caldentey, Cata Coll and Patri Guijarro, at the top of world football; and the Mallorcan triple world champion triathlete, Mario Mola, also feature prominently in the magazine.

A special supplement on construction and interior design, as well as the Agenda with the most important events until March 2024 and the Yearbook, a summary of the current events of 2023, complete the 156 pages of the publication which, as usual, is a showcase for the prestigious writers Camilo J. Cela Conde, Margalida Gili, Aleix Calveras, Eduardo Jordá, Carlos García-Delgado, Andreu Palou, Bartomeu Bestard, Albert Morano and José Eduardo Iglesias.


The ninth edition of the general information magazine Mallorca Global Mag is now on newsstands. In addition to detailed reports, the new issue of Mallorca Global Ediciones’ own magazine features the voices of Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund, recently nominated for an Oscar; multidisciplinary artist Susy Gómez, mourning the death of her partner, Juan Antonio Horrach; Chufy, one of the most respected designers among celebrities, recently arrived from New York; Leonor Vich, a member of the third generation of the emblematic Can Joan de s’Aigo; and writer Agustín Fernández Mallo.

In its pages, Mallorca Global Mag also closely follows the opening of a five-star hotel, tackles mental health problems among young people and reports on the rescues by the security forces in the Tramuntana mountain range, where it also describes the stages of “Sa Travessa”.

A special supplement on sustainability (Baleares Green Experience) completes the publication, which, as usual, includes prestigious authors: Camilo J. Cela Conde, Margalida Gili, Aleix Calveras, Eduardo Jordá, Carlos García-Delgado, Andreu Palou, Bartomeu Bestard or José Eduardo Iglesias.

Mallorca Global Mag, primavera-verano 2023

WINTER 2022 – 2023

The winter 2022 – 2023 edition of Mallorca Global Mag reviews, through calm analysis and different voices, the topics of interest for residents and visitors to the island: the macro urban development projects that will define the future of Palma, the latest trends in cyber espionage and cybercrime, solid careers such as that of Diego González, president of the Adema University School, or the multifaceted Carolina Cerezuela. In this edition, Mallorca Global Mag also travels to the Big Apple to follow in the footsteps of the Mallorcan runners who ran the New York Marathon-22, and relives the magic of the Fira de Teatre Infantil i Juvenil de Balears, recognised with the National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Young People.

The publication also explains the expansion of NFTs and digital art; the veggie boom, a booming gastronomic trend; the integration of the Chinese community in the Mallorcan community, by Fang Ji, president of the Chinese Association in the Balearic Islands, and the environmental impact of fast fashion. It also offers opinions and analyses by renowned writers such as Carlos García-Delgado, Camilo J. Cela Conde, Margalida Gili, Antoni Riera, Eduardo Jordá, Andreu Palou, Carlos Garrido and Bartomeu Bestard.

As usual, it includes in its pages the Yearbook 2022, with the most important news of the year, and a complete Agenda until April 2023.

Edición impresa Mallorca gl


The magazine Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global, spring/summer edition 2022, offers current journalistic content and interviews with renowned personalities in a publication made in and for Mallorca. A close-up on the evolution of Palma’s stately homes and the decline of the nobility opens the magazine, with the opinion of experts on the subject and interviews with some of the nobles who still survive on the island. For her part, Mallorcan actress Vicky Luengo stars on the cover of this edition, with more than 130 pages full of articles and interviews of great interest for residents and visitors alike. As well as on newsstands, the magazine is distributed in leading establishments on the island, professional associations, restaurants, hotels, shops, etc.

Other personalities who include reports and interviews in Mallorca Caprice are the writer Joana Marcús, the animator Daniel Peixe, the museum director Manuel Fontán del Junco and Alaska and Mario Vaquerizo, who take the spotlight in the book, film, art and music sections. Jorge Dezcallar, Margalida Gili, Antoni Riera, Eduardo Jordá and Jesús García Marín are some of the writers who participate in this publication, which, as usual, begins with an editorial by the agency’s director, José Eduardo Iglesias.

To show off the islands, the magazine closes its contents with a special supplement on the Balearic Islands, which talks about the charms of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. The interview with the CEO of Palladium Hotel Group, Jesús Sobrino, and the sections on nature, trends, architecture, restaurants, gastronomy, sports, scene and style complete the generalist magazine that is a reference for Mallorca.

portada mallorca caprice 2022


Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global, winter edition, brings current journalistic content and major interviews to the citizens in a publication with a Mallorcan stamp. An in-depth report on climate change and vehicle saturation anticipates the upcoming debate in the Balearic Islands. Adolfo Utor, president of Baleària, explains the “competitive, tough and hostile environment” his company faces in the Mediterranean, and we offer an overview of the take-off of Balearic craft beer.

The island’s leading gallery owners discuss the local and global art market and we talk to the multifaceted and tireless artist Rossy de Palma. In sports, marathon runner Toni Contestí gives advice on how to prepare physically and mentally to run highly demanding events, and we review the career of Cata Coll, the Barça goalkeeper with cat-like reflexes, and writer José Carlos Llop details the cities he loves and offers a list of Mallorcan writers who will be talking about. Biel Amer, the new director of the Teatre d’ Inca, defines the guidelines of his management, and filmmaker Marcos Cabotá, twice nominated for the Goya Awards, gives his vision of Balearic cinema and previews his new project.

As usual, prestigious writers such as Camilo J. Cela Conde, Eduardo Jordá, Antoni Riera, Andreu Palou or the chronicler of Palma, Bartomeu Bestard, and the article by the director, José E. Iglesias, give their opinions. A complete yearbook with the most important news of 2021 and an agenda of activities complete the edition.

portada mallorca caprice 2021


This new edition of Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global focuses on Mallorca’s challenge to recover its international tourism leadership after the long period of lockdown, which has meant a fall in the tourism industry and the island’s GDP – the lowest in Spain – as never before.

In addition to the voices of tourism experts such as Inmaculada Benito, director of the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport at the CEOE, or sociologist Lluís Ballester, Mallorca Caprice publishes interviews with leading figures, such as writer and academic Carme Riera; the UN special envoy for the Ocean, Peter Thomson, and the CEO of Lionsgate and Gallery Red, Drew Aaron, among other relevant opinions.

The People, Gastronomy, Culture, Travel and Sports sections highlight island visions that deserve to be disseminated at such a special time as the social and economic recovery of the Balearic Islands.

Finally, in the same vein of raising post-pandemic awareness of Mallorca, two special notebooks are included: Golf and Home and Decoration.

Mallorca Caprice - La hora de mallorca.jpg

WINTER 2020 – 2021

Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global, Christmas edition, is a high quality general information magazine, both in the informative part and in the commercial recommendations and editorial design. Highly topical and socially relevant reports such as the extensive COVID-19 report, with the opinion of renowned experts, exclusive interviews with celebrities such as Rafa Nadal, Martín Berasategui or La Terremoto de Alcorcón, cultural recommendations (cinema, music, theatre, literature, art) and a long etcetera make up a content that is a must-read through 136 four-colour pages.

Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global takes the pulse of the island, with special emphasis on the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects it has had on our lives: how could management have been improved, what explains Spain’s bad data, what is the way to recover tourist activity, how will the virus affect our habits and way of life? The first winter edition of Mallorca Caprice answers all this and much more. It also includes articles by renowned writers such as Camilo J. Cela Conde, Eduardo Jordá, Antoni Munar, Antoni Riera, nutritionist Andreu Palou and the chronicler of Palma, Bartomeu Bestard, who reviews the tragic popular uprising that took place in Mallorca 500 years ago.

In Mallorca Caprice by Mallorca Global 2020-2021 you can find the best plans for the winter, the latest trends in shopping and healthy living, as well as the most important news of 2020 in a unique yearbook on the island, which is preceded by a Special on Palma’s Emblematic Establishments.

WINTER 2019 – 2020

This is the third consecutive annual edition of what was born as Revista de Navidad, in 2017; it became Revista de Mallorca, Christmas edition, the second year, and now it is published as Mallorca Global Mag, a masthead that aims to be definitive and that emanates from the name of the Communication Agency of the same group, Mallorca Global, a marketing and communication workshop.

Following in its footsteps, Mallorca Global Mag hits the streets with topical journalistic content on its 148 four-colour pages. The opening report is on the climate crisis in the Balearic Islands, narrated by experts and concluding with the opinion of the Balearic Minister for the Environment, Miquel Mir. Some of the interviews that stand out in these pages include that of the president of the hotel company Meliá, the only one in the IBEX 35, Gabriel Escarrer, and that of the architect and town planner Pere Nicolau, author of Palma airport and the Parc de la Mar, among other noteworthy projects. Also of interest is that of the media personality Pilou Asbaek, a Game of Thrones actor.

In addition, Mallorca Global Mag has an extensive agenda, travel, gastronomic and shopping proposals and articles by leading writers such as Camilo J. Cela Conde, Eduardo Jordá, Antoni Munar, Antoni Riera and the chronicler of Palma, Bartomeu Bestard.

For the first time, Mallorca Global’s magazine includes a yearbook of the main news events in the Balearic Islands in 2019.

Mallorca Global M


It was our readers and advertisers who suggested that we expand the scope of the Mallorca Christmas Magazine, which was born in 2017 with a new, attractive and local information offer. In this way, listening to the audience, we have taken up the baton to expand our field of action with the masthead REVISTA DE MALLORCA, a simple, clear title, anchored in our land and with the intention of permanence.

The contents of this first REVISTA DE MALLORCA, over 148 four-colour pages, are of great interest and topicality, such as the discussion between four mothers and great businesswomen from the Balearic Islands -Encarna Piñero, Carmen Sampol, Joana M. Canals and Antonia Femenías-, the creation of a four-handed menu by two renowned chefs such as Santi Taura and Pau Navarro, the report on old photos of the port of Palma, the styling proposals for this festive season, the gastronomic pages, the recommended wines, the 19 trips proposed by B the Travel Brand for 2019, the contributions of the columnists Camilo J Cela Conde, Eduardo Jordá, Carlos Garrido, Felip Munar, Miguel Vera, etc. And an agenda not to be missed in the calendar of events of this prolific winter season.


The first Christmas Magazine in Mallorca. A commitment to quality print media published by Mallorca Global and which includes among its main attractions a wide schedule of events from December 1 to January 20, as well as articles by writers Carlos Garrido and Camilo José Cela Conde, among others.

For this publication, Mallorca Global has interviewed the two main jewelers on the island, such as Nicolás Joyeros and Relojería Alemana, and has brought together two of its best chefs, Fernando P. Arellano and Miquel Calent, in the kitchen with the two women most important in his career, his mother and grandmother, respectively.

Likewise, in its 124 pages Christmas Magazine includes numerous reports on various aspects of life in Mallorca, such as its main Christmas traditions: the nativity scenes, the Sibyl and the Three Kings Parade, also taking a tour of the markets and bookstores reinvented of Palma, as well as the island’s Christmas markets.

Among its proposals, Revista de Navidad reviews the most important art exhibitions in the coming weeks, some of the main novelties of large and small wineries on the island, its wide range as a shopping destination and, since it could not missing, for some of the most exclusive gifts of these holidays.

The publication also includes articles by collaborators in various areas such as gastronomy, art, decoration or health, among many others.

Revista de Naviad