On Sunday, June 23rd, Parc de la Mar on Passeig Marítim will once again host the traditional celebration of the Revetla de Sant Joan 2024 in Palma. The festivities will begin with a Nit de Foc, featuring dazzling fireworks and mischievous demons that will create a lively atmosphere. Following this, there will be a traditional ball de bot in which all attendees are invited to participate. The evening will culminate with a live concert by Suasi i els Electrodomèstics that promises to delight people of all ages.

The Federació d’Associacions de Veïns of Palma, organizer of the event with the support of the Ajuntament de Palma, encourages residents and tourists to participate in this festival “to keep it alive together.” Don’t miss this vibrant and exciting night that blends tradition, fire, music, and community spirit in the heart of Palma!

Revetla de Sant Joan 2024 Programme in Palma

  • 8:30 PM:
    • Children’s Correfoc and bonfire lighting by Enfocats, Kinfumfa and Petits Encabritats, Realment Cremats, and the fire beast na Bestera.
    • Lighting of the fogueró with the Flama de la Llengua.
  • 9 PM: Traditional music and folk dance ball de bot with the performance of Al-Mayurqa
  • 10 PM: Dimoni Bufó’s proclamation by Maribel Alcázar, president of the Federació d’Associacions de Veïns de Palma
  • 10:30 PM: Correfoc to enjoy the Revetla with the city’s dimonis.
  • 11:45 PM: Concert by the group Suasi i els Electrodomèstics.

Safety Measures for the ‘correfocs’

The Ajuntament de Palma has announced a series of behavioral guidelines so that all attendees at the Revetla de Sant Joan can safely enjoy the correfocs. The public participating in the correfocs is primarily and solely responsible for any accidents that may occur if the recommended measures and guidelines are not followed, warns the Palma city council.

  • The use of private fireworks not controlled by the organization is strictly prohibited.
  • A minimum distance of 2 meters must be maintained around the fire beasts.
  • Wear cotton clothing, long pants and sleeves, appropriate footwear, a hat or scarf on the head, earplugs, and glasses to protect your eyes.
  • It is warned that sparks can damage the glasses and cameras.
  • Do not throw water.
  • Do not touch, pick up, or manipulate the pyrotechnic devices.
  • Smoking or lighting fires near material containers is prohibited.
  • To watch the performance, position yourself at a prudent distance.
  • Avoid placing children and people with reduced mobility in the front rows.
  • You can dance with the dimonis, but always in a festive manner.