The XLIII Festa des Sequer in Lloret de Vistalegre has firmly established itself as one of the most important events in the region. In this celebration, the fig takes centre stage, highlighting it as one of Lloret de Vistalegre’s typical and abundant products. The activities include a specialised market where you can find fresh figs, dried figs, fig jam, and even fig ice cream. Additionally, there is a tapas route where the fig is the main ingredient in various culinary offerings.

As every year, the main celebration will take place on the first Saturday of September, with activities continuing until the 14th of September, although the traditional “Taller de secar higos” (Fig Drying Workshop) kicked off the festivities on the 26th of August.

Programme of the XLIII Festa des Sequer

  • 6th September:
    • 21:00 h: Speech by Maria Esperança Llabrés in the Pati de Ca Ses Monges, followed by an espipellada in the Placeta dels Tarongers.
  • 7th September:
    • 18:00 h: Rocket launch and reception of authorities.
    • 19:00 h: Inauguration of the fig varieties exhibition, craft market, and gastronomic market.
    • 20:00 h: Representation of the “Quedo”.
    • 20:30 h: XI Traditional Dance and Music Festival in the Plaça Jaume I, featuring A.F. La Villa de Gran Canaria and Agrupació Cultural Brocalet.
    • 22:00 h: Traditional dance with Agrupació Cultural Brocalet and Es Raiguer.
  • 8th September:
    • 17:30 h: Children’s cooking workshop with Chef Pípa in the Claustre.
    • 19:00 h: Family theatre in the Claustre.
  • 14th September:
    • 20:30 h: “Ball des Sequer” in the Claustre, with local musicians from all over Mallorca and a performance by Ningún dúo perfecto.

The Festa des Sequer is a key celebration in Lloret de Vistalegre, where the community comes together to honour their traditions with markets, music, and cultural activities that enhance Mallorcan identity. Additionally, during the weekend, the restaurants in Lloret de Vistalegre will include fig-based dishes in their menus. Check out all the details of the 2024 festival programme on the town hall’s website.