Water reserves in the Balearic Islands fell to 46% of their capacity during the past month of July, representing a decrease of 4% compared to June and 9 percentage points below the same period last year, when reserves were at 55%.

This situation requires strict monitoring and rigorous management of water resources, according to the Balearic Government, as it is the fourth consecutive month of declining water reserves in the archipelago. And the forecasts indicate that, considering the current situation, the time of year and the precipitation in July, it is likely that during the month of August the reserves will continue to decrease in the Balearic Islands.

Formentera enters alert

Additionally, last July saw an alarming change in the scenario, as the Demand Unit (UD) of Formentera has entered an alert scenario. Meanwhile, the other nine UDs (Menorca, Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, es Pla, Palma-Alcúdia, Northern Tramuntana, Southern Tramuntana and Ibiza) remain in a pre-alert scenario.
Regarding the evolution of the index, all UDs have registered a decrease in their reserves. The general situation of the demarcation is 0.365, a lower figure than last year (0.546) and two years ago (0.459).

Water reserves by island

In terms of reserves by island, Mallorca has decreased from 50% to 47%, Menorca from 50% to 44% and Ibiza from 35% to 32%. The overall situation in the Balearic Islands is worse than a year ago, when the reserves were at 55%.