Mallorca attracts numerous well-known personalities. The magazine Mallorca Global Mag features a selection of voices from the island and shares what they have said in recent months.

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth.

The renowned Australian actor Chris Hemsworth—Thor—visited Mallorca last summer, where he had “great moments” filming the Disney+ series *Limitless*. “I play heroes in movies, but I’m not sure what that really means. I like to think I have more to offer than just being an action hero,” he told Vanity Fair.

Álex Adrover

Alex Adrover. Foto_ RTVE

Third time’s the charm. After 16 years of love—they met during the filming of *Yo soy Bea*—Mallorcan actor Álex Adrover married actress Patricia Montero. Adrover sparked a debate on Instagram about sharing household chores: “Nowadays, most of us contribute 50% to the tasks and duties at home. What’s your take on it?”

Maitane López

Maitane López. Foto de @maiitane9

Mallorcan Maitane López made history by winning the Women’s Soccer League in the United States. At that time, Joe Biden welcomed the team to the White House: “I bet you can’t walk through your city without some little girl coming up just to hold your hand. It’s amazing,” praised the outgoing U.S. president.

Maria Jaume

Maria Jaume

The young singer from Mallorca achieved great acclaim as her work *Nostàlgia Airlines* was named Best Album of the Year at the Premis Enderrock de la Música Balear, as chosen by critics. During a concert in Araba, she remarked: “In Mallorca, mass tourism is unbearable; we’re pretty fed up with it.”

Luis and Roberto Riu Rodríguez

Familia RIU

Luis Riu, CEO of the international RIU hotel chain based in Mallorca, introduced his sons Luis and Roberto Riu Rodríguez as “key figures for ensuring the continuity of our business model, now that Grupo Riu is undergoing a generational transition,” following the retirement of his sister Carmen Riu.

Isabel Vicens

Isabel Vicens 4

King Felipe VI awarded the Order of Civil Merit to Isabel Vicens as a representative of the Balearic Islands. The CEO of Agromallorca stated she was “extremely proud and grateful for this honor, not just for myself and my profession but also for representing the agricultural sector of the islands, especially the women of rural communities.”

Alira Moya


This resident of Inca was crowned winner of the television show *La Voz Kids* in 2024, with David Bisbal as her coach. At just 9 years old, the young singer commented after her hard-fought victory: “The musical style that defines me the most is R&B, and my favorite singer is Mónica Naranjo. I met her at a concert held at the Auditorium of Palma.”