The Palau del Consell de Mallorca was visited by 5,259 people in 2023, 700 more than in 2022. This figure represents a record number of visits to the headquarters of the island’s institution. The doors of the Palau del Consell are open for visits, always by appointment, both for the general public and for school groups.

During 2023, 5,259 people visited the Palau, divided into 155 visits. Of the total, 2,070 were citizens in general, both from Mallorca and from the rest of the country or abroad, especially from France, Italy and Germany; and 3,189 schoolchildren. The latter group is made up mainly of students in the 5th and 6th years of primary school and the 3rd year of ESO, the cycles studied by the institutions.

The President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, stressed that “opening the doors of the Palau is a duty of the institution; people need to know the history of this emblematic building – from its beginnings to the present day – to understand the importance of the current governing body of our island”.

How to visit the Consell de Mallorca Palace

visitas palau consell de mallorca

To visit the Palau del Consell de Mallorca, please send an email to to make an appointment. This will be offered according to the availability of the building and the visiting team. The tour, which lasts approximately one hour and can be conducted in Catalan, Spanish, English and French, takes you through the main rooms of the building: the entrance and the staircase of honour, the main floor, the audience chamber and the plenary room. The space that is most popular with visitors is the former air-raid shelter, which is located in the basement of the Palau.

Apart from this type of visits, the Consell de Mallorca has also offered some special activities. During the Balearic Islands Day events, twelve theatrical tours were held. The doors of the headquarters were also opened during the Nit de l’Art de Palma with visits focusing on the Consell’s collection of paintings and sculptures, and during the days of Open House Palma. Four conferences were also organised in the plenary hall on air-raid shelters, which ended with a visit to the shelter of the Palau del Consell by the expert Tomeu Fiol Coll.