In June, the Illes Balears achieved historic figures in job creation, with 641,635 people registered in the Social Security system, representing an annual increase of 3.1 percent (19,190 more registrations) compared to June 2023, surpassing the average employment growth in Spain of 2.5%. Compared to the previous month, the Illes Balears experienced a monthly increase of 3.1% (19,360 registrations), making it the autonomous community with the highest increase, while in the whole of Spain, registration rose by 0.3%.

Decrease in unemployment

Regarding unemployment, the Illes Balears continue to be among the communities with the highest percentage decreases, both in annual and monthly terms. Thus, the number of people in this situation during the month of June was 26,369, a decrease of 1,955 people; that is, 6.9% less compared to June 2023. By gender, 57.2% of unemployed people are women while 42.8% are men. In this category, unemployment fell especially in Eivissa (-9.7%), followed by Formentera (-9.0%), Menorca (-8.6%), and Mallorca (-6.5%). In the whole country, the unemployment rate also decreased, with an average of -4.8%.

From a monthly perspective, unemployment fell compared to the month of May by 373 people, a -1.4% decrease in relative terms. This decline was particularly notable in Formentera (-16.5%), followed by Menorca (-5.0%), Eivissa (-2.2%), and Mallorca (-1.0%). Nationally, the data shows a drop in unemployment compared to May of -1.8%. By groups, annual unemployment decreased among women (-9.0%), those over 25 years old (-7.8%), and Spaniards (-7.7%); but it increased among those under 25 years old (+3.6%). Compared to the previous month, unemployment decreased among women (-2.0%), those over 25 years old (-1.5%), and non-EU foreigners (-3.2%). The administrative unemployment rate for the month of June resulted in a historic figure of 3.9%, 0.5 points below the data recorded a year ago.

The Government celebrates these data

The Regional Secretary for Labour, Employment, and Social Dialogue, Catalina Cabrer, positively evaluated the employment and unemployment levels recorded, “which continue to be above the whole of Spain,” she said.

Cabrer explained that these are data “that say a lot in a month of June, considering that the start of the season, the opening of tourist establishments, and the complementary offer took place in March, coinciding with Easter, and still in June we are leading job creation and the reduction of unemployment. The season is good and it seems that it will close very well.”