The Palma City Council has paid tribute to Juana Camilión, the Palma-born athlete who won the silver medal in the 3×3 Basketball event at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games last Monday. Camilión became the first Mallorcan athlete to win a medal at the recent international competition, an achievement further highlighted by the bronze medals won by the canoeists Joan Toni Moreno (C2 500) and Marcus Cooper (K4 500).

Juana Camilión and the Mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez, during the tribute ceremony at Cort. Photos: Palma City Council.

During the recognition event for the Palma-born medallist, the Mayor of Palma, Martínez Llabrés, stated, “we wanted to pay tribute to you for this great achievement, but also for everything it represents and the work behind this great result. There is no doubt that achieving success and the goals one sets requires talent, but also a lot of effort, perseverance, sacrifice, often self-denial, teamwork, and it is in these aspects where the greatness of an athlete is demonstrated.”

Martínez Llabrés also emphasised that the silver won by Camilión is a just reward for a brilliant career that began at Club Bàsquet Molinar, continued at Bahía San Agustín, and progressed through other clubs that have seen her grow both as a person and as an athlete, accumulating significant successes, now crowned with an Olympic silver medal.”

Reception at Cort

The event took place in the Plenary Hall of Cort and was attended by the Mayor of Palma, as well as the Secretary of State for Culture and Sport, Pedro Vidal; the Minister for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructure of the Consell de Mallorca, Fernando Rubio; the President of the Balearic Basketball Federation, Juanjo Talens; and the President of CB Badia Sant Agustí, Guillem Boscana, along with Deputy Mayors Lourdes Roca and Llorenç Bauzá; the City Councillor for the PSIB-PSOE, Daniel Oliveira, and the City Councillors for VOX, Jero Mayans and Sara Cerdó.

“It is only right to recognise the effort and immense talent of these women who have taken our country’s name to the highest level, achieving a historic success. And as part of that team, we are proud of a Palma-born woman who is a true example of effort, dedication, and perseverance,” highlighted the Palma Mayor.