The president of the Parliament today receives in audience the spokespersons of the different parties, PP, PSIB, Vox and Més per Menorca, in the round of proposal of candidates to the presidency of the Balearic Islands. Tomorrow it will be the turn of Unidas Podemos, Sa Unió and Més per Mallorca
The president of the Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), begins the round of parties proposing candidates for the presidency of the Government with the Partido Popular at 9:30 am.
The investiture session is initially scheduled for Tuesday 4 July, with Marga Prohens (PP) as the main candidate. Following the order of most to least parliamentary representation, after the PP, at 10 a.m. Le Senne will receive the PSIB; at 10:30 a.m., Vox; and at 12:30 p.m., Més per Menorca.

Margalida Prohens is expected to be the president of the Balearic Government. Photo: PP.
Three meetings are scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday: with Unidas Podemos (9 a.m.), Sa Unió de Formentera (9:30 a.m.) and Més per Mallorca (10 a.m.).
Prohens could be president on July 4th
Once the round of consultations has been held, the plenary session for the presentation of the candidates’ government programmes and the request for confidence in the vote of candidacies will be called within a maximum of 15 days.
Thereafter, with a pause of no less than 24 hours, the replies of the parliamentary groups will take place, followed by the vote. If the candidate does not obtain an absolute majority during the vote, a second round of voting will take place after 48 hours. In this second round, only a simple majority would be necessary to be invested, and it would be up to the President of the Parliament to inform the King of the name of the elected candidate within the following 24 hours. In this way, the presidency of the Government of the Balearic Islands would be appointed.
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