The Conselleria de Empresa, Empleo y Energía del Govern de las Illes Balears has extended until 30 December 2024 the deadline for submitting applications for public aid under the Investment Plan for Energy Transition (PITEIB), which ended on 15 July. This extension, which comes ahead of an expected increase in applications, facilitates the presentation of aid for homeowners’ associations, companies, industrial estates and the nautical sector, including additional aid for the removal of asbestos. The implementation period for investments in the nautical sector has also been extended until 30 September 2025.

paneles solares energía fotovoltaica

The Govern extends the deadline for energy aid applications to 30 December 2024. Photo: CAIB.

The general director of Economía Circular, Transición Energética y Cambio Climático, Diego Viu, has highlighted the importance of these extensions after negotiating with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDEA). Viu stressed that “we are continuing to support the energy transition and we are extending the opportunities for obtaining subsidies for urban and anthropised spaces. Precisely, in relation to the line of aid for the transformation of boats or the acquisition of new electric vessels, in recent months there has been a notable increase in demand and interest on the part of citizens.”

Calls with extended deadlines

Specifically, the calls that extend their deadlines are:

  • Promotion of collective self-consumption installations with renewable energies and zero-emission mobility in industrial estates.
  • Promotion of collective self-consumption installations with renewable energies and energy efficiency actions in lighting and/or pressure equipment for water supply promoted by homeowners’ associations.
  • Promotion of collective self-consumption installations with renewable energies and energy efficiency actions in interior lighting promoted by small and medium-sized private sector companies.
  • Grants aimed at decarbonizing the nautical sector.

Asbestos removal in industrial buildings

Additionally, the Conselleria has simplified the procedures for asbestos removal in industrial buildings, in collaboration with the Balearic Institute of Energy and the Palma City Council, which require this action for the installation of self-consumption systems with renewable energy sources. Companies can manage these grants and related procedures at the Energy Transition Offices and at Palma City Council service points.