The Teatre Principal de Palma concludes the 2023/2024 season, which ran from September to June, with a total of 51,576 spectators attending 112 shows across 155 performances. These figures slightly exceed those of the previous season, when the Public Hall welcomed 50,925 spectators.

The most-watched show of the 2023/2024 season was the opera Roméo et Juliette with 2,167 spectators. Photo: Consell de Mallorca.

The most-watched show of the 2023/2024 season was the opera Roméo et Juliette by Gounod, presented in May, with three performances that attracted 2,167 spectators. As for theater, the most-watched play was The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca, in a production by the National Dramatic Center, which gathered 1,367 spectators in two performances.

During the 2023/2024 season, the Teatre Principal conducted 10 theatrical co-productions with local companies and 12 in-house productions, including lyrical, theatrical, and musical productions.

Hiring of 144 technical and artistic professionals

All this activity involved the hiring of 144 technical and artistic professionals from September 2023 to June 2024. Specifically, 19 actors and actresses were hired; 24 technicians, props specialists, and costume designers; 53 choristers; 7 stage directors, musical directors, and creatives; 7 extras; 30 soloists; and 11 musicians.

This season also saw an increase in the activity of the educational program. Guided tours of the Teatre Principal, mostly on Wednesdays, had 2,172 participants in 129 tours. Most of these visits came from schools, but there were also attendees from senior centers, neighborhood groups, and Open House participants.

Another highlight was the celebration of the Opera Europa Human Resources Forum, which took place in May in conjunction with the opera Roméo et Juliette.

Additionally, there was an increase in the attendance of students at regular performances, at a reduced price of 4 euros. This season, 1,491 students, accompanied by their teachers, attended mostly theatrical performances during regular hours, and two morning performances with a total of 671 spectators.