The Teatre Principal de Inca, under the direction of Miquel Àngel Raió, has already prepared the programme for the first four months of the new 2023 – 2024 season, with interesting proposals for music, theatre and film. Among the novelties are the cycles Projecte A and Dies Digitals. As well as the participation as a venue in the 14th edition of FesJajá, which comes to Inca for the first time; the Festival de la Paraula; the Festival de Jazz Alternatilla, with musicians Jean-Paul Estiévenart and Jeff Ballardque or the new Fona Fall Fest that presents Nil’s Frahm, for the first time in Mallorca.

As in the previous season, the programme of the Teatre Principal de Inca will combine the presence of names of national and international renown with island productions and those of high quality national circuits. Among others, actors María Adánez and Joaquín Notario will take the stage, performing the legendary Ai, Carmela; El Voluble, the highlight of Dies Digitals; and Santi Rodríguez, in stand-up format. Toni Gomila’s acclaimed Acorar returns. Also the preview of El Gran Manicomio, by Estudi Zero, inspired by the poetry of Antonina Canyelles.

A musical start to the season

teatre principal de inca

Classical music, which attracted so many spectators last season, will be provided by the 1830 Academy Orchestra, performing Rahmaninov and Sibelius. Young and old will be able to enjoy Volem Volem’s Noces per nassos. The Focs Artificials Show: The living O – Erra. And in December, Cap-Pela will turn on the Christmas lights.

A very musical start to the season, in part to the projects Dies Digitals and Proyecto A. The latter moves to the Sala Anexa del Teatre (with A for Anexa); a space with retractable tiers that will be hidden to make way for risky, fresh and independent creative projects. A space will be created to unite the creators, the theatre and the public, without filters. Proyecto A is multidisciplinary, and this time the main theme is indie music, whether rock, pop or garage. On 22 September, Hijos de Matxín and Tres Piezas will perform, and on 23 September, Dr. Hum and Vënkman.

In October it will be the turn of the Dies Digitals. The Teatre Principal of Inca shows a special interest in digital tools applied to the stage, with the use of mapping, live cinema, light installations and digital scenographies. October will be devoted to innovative and trendy shows in this field. On stage will be the Jansky (with the world premiere of a piece specially composed for the Museo del Calzado de Inca), Alba G. Corral and Carles Viarnès, Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou (with a piece that has just swept the board at the last GREC Festival in
Barcelona) and Els Voluble (with their unique style mixing live visuals, DJ music and ethnographic documentary).

Inca’s Teatre Principal closed the previous season with 27,500 spectators.