The network of shelters managed by the Consell de Mallorca is recording a new visitor record during the 2024 high season. In the months of March, April, and May, the refugis hosted a total of 15,459 users, compared to the 12,743 places occupied in the same period of 2023, representing a 21.3 percent increase (2,716 more places).

refugios consell

Photo: Consell de Mallorca.

Of the total 15,459 hikers received by the shelters in Mallorca during these months, 1,832 are schoolchildren who have enjoyed these facilities, according to the Consell.

The network of shelters of the island institution consists of six establishments located on public estates, offering a total of 332 places. The occupancy data by accommodation is as follows: Tossals Verds (3,202), Son Amer (3,071), Can Boi (2,549), Muleta (2,118), Pont Romà (2,119), and Galatzó (2,400).

The high season extends until June in the Consell de Mallorca shelters

As a novelty, it is noteworthy that this year the high season in the Consell de Mallorca shelters extends until the month of June, due to the notable increase in reservations recorded, which practically equate to those of the traditional months of March, April, and May. Specifically, June is expected to close with 3,183 hikers, a 9.8% increase compared to the same month in 2023.

refugios consell

Photo: Consell de Mallorca.

Traditionally, the times of the year with the highest influx of hikers are spring (March, April, and May) and autumn (October and November), months in which the maximum occupancy is reached and full capacity is nearly achieved.

More info and reservations here.