Bishop Mons. Sebastià Taltavull presided over the prelude to Holy Week at La Seu and, in turn, the culmination of a Lenten itinerary that began on Ash Wednesday. The Palm Sunday celebration, in which the Rojos de la Seo and the canons participated, began in the courtyard of the Palau Episcopal.

Palm Sunday marks the portico of a few days centered on the Passion of Christ, before which the bishop invited silent and contemplative prayer “to keep hope alive. God’s plan has been realized since Jesus has risen, and we can celebrate it. Holy Week is the itinerary that leads us”.

Palm Sunday in the Seu. Photo: Bishopric of Mallorca.

Once the Eucharist had begun in the Seo, Taltavull in his homily recalled the mystery of love that the story of the Passion contains: “the gaze is directed at Jesus as he is persecuted, delivered to torture and death, at the same time who identifies with all the people who suffer the same injustice. This experience of abandonment makes him exclaim with pain “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Psalm 21).

For its part, the evening procession in Palma began at 18:00. The itinerary ran through: Sant Jaume, Joan Carles I, Born, San Feliu, Sant Gaietà, Ca n’Asprer, Jaume III, Baró del Sant Sepulcre, Bonaire, and Concepció.

“The days of Holy Week and the time of Easter are a magnificent occasion to put our entire Christian being into active and participatory filming. I invite you to live it intensely. Let’s not say that we are Christians if we do not sign up to do it, we do not camouflage ourselves in a faith that says it is not practicing, since in this irresponsible way we would expose our incoherence and infidelity to a baptismal promise made one day and constantly renewed.When tiredness and indifference appear, thought and action are poisoned, then it lacks resurrection and the enthusiasm for the Gospel disappears and its freshness is forgotten, the only one that can fill life with meaning, the best message that we have and that is within our reach to spread,” Taltavull said in a letter for Easter .

Bishop Sebastià Taltavull presides over the prelude to Holy Week at La Seu. Photo: Bishopric of Mallorca.