Returning to school in September can be a financial challenge for many families. It’s a time when expenses for school supplies, clothing, books, and extracurricular activities can skyrocket. To help you better manage this period, the General Directorate of Consumer Affairs has shared a series of back-to-school recommendations that will help you save money and make responsible decisions.

Plan and anticipate your school purchases

One of the most important tips is to plan and anticipate your purchases. Avoid last-minute shopping, as this can lead to impulsive decisions and spending more than necessary. It’s advisable to make a list of the products you actually need and compare prices and quality across different stores. Take advantage of the offers available in the weeks leading up to the start of classes, but be careful with promotions that might tempt you to buy more than necessary.

Set a budget for back-to-school expenses

It is crucial to establish a clear budget that fits your means before you start spending. Avoid taking out payday loans to finance purchases, as the high interest rates can cause financial problems in the future. Use your credit card wisely and keep track of any spending that isn’t paid for in cash.

School supplies: only buy what you need

Not everything has to be brand new at the start of a new school year. Review the supplies you already have from the previous year and only purchase what is really missing. Teach your children the importance of sustainability and responsible consumption. Apply the 3R rule: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Textbooks: compare and reuse

Textbooks are one of the most significant expenses in going back to school. Compare prices in different bookshops and stores before buying them. Consider options such as buying second-hand books, swapping with other parents, or using book loan programmes. Furthermore, if the content of the books hasn’t changed from one year to the next, reusing them can be an excellent way to save.

Clothing and footwear: prioritise quality and necessity

Before buying new clothes and shoes, evaluate whether it’s really necessary. If you decide to buy, make a list of what is needed to avoid unnecessary purchases. Take advantage of sales to purchase uniforms and clothing at better prices. Ensure that the garments are of good quality and can adjust to the children’s growth.

During shopping: pay attention to detail

Carefully read the instructions and characteristics of the products you purchase to ensure they meet your needs. Ask about the possibility of exchanging the item if necessary, but remember that shops are not obliged to accept returns of products in perfect condition unless previously stated.

Always keep your receipts, invoices, or contracts, as they are necessary for claiming product warranties or making returns.

Save and manage your budget

By following these back-to-school recommendations, you can better manage your expenses and ensure that your children’s return to school is more economical and efficient. Plan ahead, set a budget, and only buy what you truly need. This way, you can enjoy a smoother start to the school year without financial worries.