⬛ One of the causes of social impoverishment in the Balearic Islands lies in the fact that there is no political pact, even if it is minimal, that prevents each change of government from bringing
down all of the above, or everything that can be done. It is not necessary to spend our whole life reinventing ourselves, no matter how small we are.
⬛ Human pressure, environmental degradation and high dependence on the outside are beginning to be uncomfortable not only for environmentalists. We can live insularly because we have
money to import products from abroad. We only produce 15% of the food we consume, which makes us a kind of marketplace.
⬛ The paradox is that it gives the impression that talent and innovation move better in this environment of cosmopolitan bustle than at the time, for example, of the Rusiñol of the Isla de la Calma, to name one of the most hackneyed classics.
⬛ Government action in the Balearic Islands has always been reinforced by a part of the media journalists, who after the elections on duty leave the Newsrooms -now seriously emaciated because they are part of emptied Spain- to join the different press offices of political power, where they find better conditions, salaries and life, even if it is at the cost of abandoning the profession.
⬛ The above will have something to do with the Government politicians expressing themselves more and more in press headline formats: before they did it after reading the newspapers, now they do it before they are published because they are the news and their speeches are written with a news structure. In this line, Francina Armengol stands out, who expresses herself categorically between syllogisms, evidences and arrogant quotes of her own.
⬛ Claiming to save companies is new on the left-wing and, for the right, an inadmissible interference. Some kind of script change. It reminds when Pere Sampol was Vice President and Minister
of Commerce of the first Progrés Pact, the Minister who fought the most for SMEs knowing that they would not vote for him, as it was. And he knew it.
⬛ On the contrary, the same thing happens with freedom, thanks to Ayusismo. The other day the philosopher Innerarity in Valparaíso (brought by the Cercle d’Economia) reminded us that the concept of freedom has been won by the right-wing, at the same time that he criticized the left that it should not forget the effectiveness and efficiency, a pending issue.
⬛ Minister Iago Negueruela proposes to increase productivity by reducing partiality and temporary contracts. GDP would rise 1.3 billion a year. In the age in which we live, perhaps he should renew arguments by consulting, for example, David Pilling and his “The growth delusion”.
⬛ The truth is that everything is blurring. Liberals who abhor the state, and therefore taxes, cry out for state aid as soon as the future touches their purse or health. The pandemic has put the purest Friedman to the test.
By: José Eduardo Iglesias. Journalist and Director of Mallorca Global.

The plenary session of the Balearic Parliament approves the 2022 budgets. PHOTO: GOIB.
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