End the housing business

On 5 April at 12 p.m., a protest for housing in Palma will take place at Plaça d’Espanya. The demonstration, organised by the Sindicat de l’Habitatge de Palma, is part of a nationwide mobilisation happening in around twenty cities, including Eivissa, Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, and Valencia, led by various collectives and platforms in defence of the right to housing.

Call for the protest for housing in Palma

Under the slogan “Acabem amb el negoci de l’habitatge” (“End the housing business”), the organisers denounce the fact that access to housing remains a serious problem, while investment funds and large landlords “continue to make profits while thousands of people are evicted, forced out of their neighbourhoods, or condemned to live in undignified conditions”.

The organisation criticises the fact that institutional policies have turned housing into a business instead of guaranteeing it as a fundamental right. They also condemn the repression against those who organise to defend their homes: “They want us silent, they want us isolated, but we respond with more strength, more organisation, and more struggle”.

This protest aims to build strength and reinforce networks of solidarity among all those affected by the housing crisis. “If you have been forced out of your home, if your rent is increasing, if you cannot access decent housing, if you are organising or want to start… this struggle is yours too”, they state in the call for action.

📢 Key details of the protest:

  • 📅 Date: 5 April
  • Time: 12:00 p.m.
  • 📍 Location: Plaça d’Espanya, Palma
  • 🏠 Organised by: Sindicat de l’Habitatge de Palma
  • Slogan: “Acabem amb el negoci de l’habitatge” (“End the housing business”)