Organic production in the Balearic Islands generates an economic value for the agricultural sector of 16.5% of the total for the islands. This was stated by Miquel Coll, president of the Associació de la Producció Agrària Ecològica de Mallorca (Apaema), an association that becomes part of Pimem.

Apaema has specified that currently the ecological useful agricultural area in Mallorca amounts to 18% of the total. In figures, this translates into 536 producers and 245 processors. According to Coll, “the European Farm to Fork strategy establishes the objective of reaching 25% of the useful area certified as organic.” This is affordable if the rate of growth that has been experienced in the last 5 years in the Balearic Islands is maintained, which is estimated at a 6.2% annual increase”.

As for the production figures, the processed products are the economic engine of the organic sector which, according to Apaema, generate 20 million euros a year. Miquel Coll has assured that “production in the case of Mallorca is closely linked to small and medium-sized producers, who seek differentiated quality and give added value with the transformation of the primary product and quality brands”.

The destination of 83% of sales is local, according to the association. The so-called short canals are essential for the Majorcan ecological agricultural sector, both for the primary product and for the processed one. For this reason, according to Apaema, cooperatives play a crucial role in the sale of nuts and distributors “are gaining strength in the marketing of other products.”

Apaema was born in 2006 from the proposal of the organic farmers and processors of Mallorca. Its objective is to have a platform for the defense and promotion of organic farming