During one weekend, the Open House Palma 2021 architecture festival will open the doors of more than 70 buildings and spaces to the public. This first edition of the architecture festival for non-architects will take place on the weekend of November 6 and 7, 2021. Citizens will have the opportunity to admire some of the most unique architectural works and buildings in Palma. Buildings and spaces that are usually closed or hidden from the neighbors and that through this event they will be able to discover for free.
Best examples of architecture in Palma
The common denominator of the more than 70 buildings confirmed for this first Open House Palma is that they represent some of the best examples of architecture and design in the city. The festival aims to offer an alternative to the more touristy Palma, which is represented on postcards. In this sense, it aspires to show that not only the historic center houses architectural jewels, but that they are spread throughout the length and breadth of the capital. All of them are part of Palma’s architectural heritage.
Among the buildings and spaces that can be visited are Can Morell, Casal Solleric, Castell de Bellver, Edifici Moneo (Fundació Miró Mallorca), the Son Espases hospital, Torre Asima, hotels such as Armadams or Araxa, social housing projects, the Palau of Congresses, etc. The visits will be guided by previously trained volunteers from the event.
The Open House Palma 2021 is a charitable and non-profit initiative. It is organized by the Open House Palma Cultural Association, which seeks to promote and disseminate the city’s architectural heritage among its neighbors. In this sense, the organizers recall that culture and heritage are the bases of collective memory. The association is made up of professionals of various profiles associated with architecture, art history, cultural heritage management, design and communication.
During the weekend of November 6 and 7, 2021, the 73 most representative buildings and spaces of all the city’s districts will open their doors. Here is the initial list of participants:
Espacios participantes en Open House Palma 2021
- Refugi antiaeri del Passeig Sagrera
- Can Morell
- Casal Solleric
- Cal Marquès de la Torre
- Palau d’Aiamans (Museu de Mallorca)
- Centre d’Història i Cultura Militar de Balears
- Habitatges socials al carrer de Blanquers
- Ca n’Oleo
- Port Center Palma
- Autoritat Portuària de Balears
- Círculo Mallorquín
- Parlament de les Illes Balears
- Ca n’Oms
- Baluard de Santa Margalida
- Estudi General Lul·lià
- Teatre Principal
- Can Balaguer
- Museu Marítim de Mallorca
- La Misericòrdia
- Palau del Consell
- Seu de la Conselleria de Mobilitat i Habitatge
- Refugi antiaeri des Baluard de Sant Pere
- Museu d’Art Sacre
- Cripta de Sant Llorenç
- Seminari Vell
- La Sapiència
- Ca n’Alcover
- Refugi antiaeri de sa Porta des Camp
- Gran Hotel
- Sant Miquel, 19
- Can Gabriel
- Palma Tennis Club
- Centre Oceanogràfic de les Balears
- Castell de Bellver
- Edifici Moneo (Fundació Miró Mallorca)
- Edifici Sert (Fundació Miró Mallorca)
- Son Boter (Fundació Miró Mallorca)
- Castell de Sant Carles
- Far de Portopí
- Hotel Araxa
- Casa Plywood
- Estudi d’arquitectura
- Hotel Armadams
- Teatre Mar i Terra
- Clínica Emardental
- Can Cladera
- Edifici de la màquina de vapor i fumeral
- Habitatges socials al carrer de Salvador Espriu, carrer d’Ignasi Barraquer, carrer de Magdalena Bonet y carrer de Josep Togores
- Parc del Canòdrom
- Estació de tractament d’aigua potable
- Hospital Psiquiàtric
- Parròquia de Sant Alonso Rodríguez
- Hospital Universitari de Son Espases
- Jaciment de Son Espases
- Possessió de Son Espases Vell
- Torre Asima
- Antic parc de bombers
- CEPA Son Canals
- Hostal Baleares
- Habitatges socials al carrer de Brotad, al carrer de Fornaris y habitatges dotacionals al carrer de Cuba
- Casa pati al Rafal
- Ses Cent Cases
- Sa Petrolera
- Estació depuradora d’aigües residuals
- Palau de Congressos
- Parròquia del Corpus Christi
- Parròquia de Nostra Senyora de la Soledat
- Habitatges tutelats Via 10
- Estudi de Damià Jaume
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