This Tuesday, the details of the much-anticipated edition of Nit de l’Art were revealed, organised by Palma Art Contemporani. This annual event brings together around 30 galleries and cultural spaces with the aim of sharing their passion for art. It is completely free and open to the public, offering a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the dynamic world of contemporary art. The inauguration of this prominent cultural night is scheduled for Saturday, 21st September.

The presentation took place at the Pep Llabrés art gallery and was attended by the Vice-President of the Council and Minister of Culture, Antònia Roca; the Secretary of Culture and Sports, Pedro Vidal; the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Javier Bonet; and Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, General Coordinator of Culture and Visual Arts of the City Council. A large representation of the gallery and cultural sector was also present, led by Fran Reus, President of Palma Art Contemporani.

Highlighted Exhibitions

Casal Solleric will be the epicentre of Cort’s activities and will host exhibitions such as ‘Interaccions’ by Concha Jerez, curated by Fernando Castro Florez, and ‘Un lleuger vol’ by Cecilia Paredes, curated by Montserrat Torras. These exhibitions will occupy spaces such as the Planta Noble, the courtyard, the balcony, the ‘showcase’ and the ‘Aljub del Casal Solleric’.

Concha Jerez, a recognised pioneer of conceptual art in Spain, will present a critical analysis of the media, censorship, and self-censorship. Additionally, the exhibition ‘Prender la mirada’ will be available at Casal Solleric, showcasing works by various local artists and young curators. At Can Balaguer, a special installation by Mar Guerrero and Cristina Vinyals, produced at Casa Planas and sponsored by Aedas Home, will be inaugurated as part of the Arts & Crafts programme in collaboration with the Associació de Crítics i Comissaris d’Art de les Illes Balears (Accaib).

The Miró Mallorca Foundation will also participate in the celebration with three new exhibitions, including a show at Espai Zero that will combine pre-existing work with new creations by local artists. Espai Cúbic will offer a unique experience focused on the figure of Joan Miró, with a special presentation that anticipates a future joint exhibition with Alexander Calder, two great artists united by their shared vision and deep friendship.

Nit de l’Art 2024 once again positions itself as an unmissable cultural event in Mallorca, combining cutting-edge contemporary art with the historic charm of Palma.