On Saturday, October 5th, Palma will become the epicenter of science with the celebration of Naukas Palma 2024, one of the most anticipated science outreach events of the year. The event will take place at the Palma Congress Center, where renowned science communicators, scientists, and experts from various fields will gather to share their passion for science with the general public.

Admission will be free until full capacity is reached, allowing attendees to enjoy a full day of talks, workshops, and activities focused on scientific knowledge from an accessible and entertaining perspective.

An event for all audiences

naukas palma palau congressos

Naukas Palma 2024 aims to bring scientific knowledge closer to the whole of society. This year, under the theme “360º of Science,” the event promises to offer a comprehensive view of the latest advances in science and technology, led by renowned experts. It also seeks to foster scientific vocations among young people, emphasizing the value and importance of research for societal development.

The program, which will be announced in the coming weeks, is supported by the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), the Govern, and the Ajuntament de Palma, among other institutions.

Objectives of Naukas Palma 2024

Among the event’s main goals are:

1. Disseminating and valuing scientific knowledge generated at the UIB and other research centers, and sharing these advances with society.
2. Encouraging scientific vocations among young people, improving their education and promoting a broader scientific culture.
3. Popularizing science, making it accessible to all audiences in an engaging and understandable way.

Naukas is one of the largest science outreach platforms in Spanish, founded by science communicators Miguel Artime, Antonio Martínez, and Javier Peláez, with the collaboration of Alejandro Polanco, who manages the website. The platform includes contributions from over a hundred scientists and communicators actively participating in science outreach through their blogs and social media.

With Naukas Palma 2024, this platform reaffirms its commitment to bringing science to all corners of the country, and Palma will be the perfect setting for a special day dedicated to knowledge.