Around 20,000 people – according to data provided by the National Police – took to the streets of Palma on Sunday 21 July to protest against the overcrowding of the Balearic Islands by tourists. Under the slogan ‘Canviem el rumb: Posem límits al turisme’ (Let’s change the course: Put limits to tourism), the massive protest – which reached 50. 000 attendees according to the organisers, the platform Menys turisme, més vida – began at 19:00 and went through the main streets of the city – Avingudes, Sant Miquel, plaça Major, carrer Colom, plaça de Cort, carrer Palau Reial, Conqueridor and plaça de la Reina – until it ended at the passeig del Born, where a manifesto was read to demand that political leaders “take clear actions focused on setting limits and initiating a change of course in the economic model.”

Manifestación en contra de la masificación turística en Palma el 21 de julio

Thousands of people protested against mass tourism. Photo: X of Plataforma Menys turisme, més vida.

In addition to the platform Menys turisme, més vida (Less tourism, more life), the protest was attended by a total of 111 island organisations, including environmental, cultural, neighbourhood, educational and trade union groups. All along the route, the demonstrators raised slogans against mass tourism, the loss of quality of life for residents, traffic jams, beach saturation and, above all, the high price of housing and rents on the islands.

This is the second demonstration called in Palma to demand limits to tourism and a fair model for Mallorca, after the one held on 25 May, which attracted 10,000 people, according to the National Police, and 25,000 according to the platform Menys turisme, més vida.