Mallorca will host the summit of sustainable destinations “Leading the Transformation”, organized by the Mallorca Turisme Foundation in coordination with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), on April 7 and 8 at the Palau de Congressos de Palma.
Sustainable transformation, the exchange of knowledge by destinations and the presentation of the best sustainability practices will be the stars of the work sessions.
The island will be, for two days, the international benchmark in terms of sustainability and tourism, since the call has an international character. Its main objective is to favor an environment of exchange and learning, as well as to promote knowledge of the best practices of environmental, social and economic sustainability that are developed in the world.
The two days of work will focus on issues aligned with the Glasgow agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals, the UNWTO Action Plan and the strategy of the Mallorca Turisme Foundation, an entity dependent on the Consell de Mallorca responsible for promoting tourism in the island. The contents to be discussed are divided into four main thematic axes: water, solid waste, circular economy and data analysis for decision-making in a sustainable key.

The Palau de Congressos de Palma, headquarters of the summit of sustainable destinations. Photo: Palace of Congresses.
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