The cleaning vessels of the Conselleria del Mar and del Ciclo del Agua have removed 7,295.13 kilograms of waste from the waters of the Balearic Islands during the month of August. This amounts to a daily average of 235.33 kg. The campaign has been carried out with the collaboration of beach and coastal vessels, which have worked to keep the sea as clean as possible.

Distribution by islands

Mallorca leads the collection with 3,093.58 kg, followed by Menorca with 2,182.38 kg, Eivissa with 1,700.85 kg, and Formentera with 318.33 kg. These figures reflect the daily efforts of the vessels, which averaged 99.79 kg in Mallorca, 70.40 kg in Menorca, 54.87 kg in Eivissa, and 10.27 kg in Formentera.

Plastic was the most collected material, accounting for 44.13% of the total waste, followed by wood (29.66%) and vegetation (12.33%).

basura recogida mar baleares

During August, special interventions were carried out on various islands. In Mallorca, remains of a burnt and sunken boat were collected. In Menorca, a concentration of plastic was addressed, along with the removal of an unknown metal object and a fishing rod. In Eivissa, fiber debris from sunken boats and several logs were removed. In Formentera, remains of stranded boats, a log, and dispersed fuel were found.

It is also noteworthy that during this month, few jellyfish were detected in bathing areas, and no Portuguese man-of-war was collected on any of the islands.

The cleaning campaign will remain active until September 30, aiming to preserve the quality of the Balearic coastline waters. In August, eight notices were handled in collaboration with emergency services and Maritime Rescue.

limpieza costas baleares agosto