The Balearic councils have a long way to go in terms of transparency. According to a study by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, only 11 of the 67 municipalities on the islands comply with the legislation in this regard.
In a statement, the university recalled that the Transparency Law came into force in 2015. The regulations oblige administrations to publish all information of interest to citizens on their websites.
The best valued municipality is Santa Eulària, in Eivissa, with 9.6 points. In Mallorca, it is followed by Inca (6.7), Palma (6.5), Calvià (6.3) and Marratxí (6). In Menorca, Maó (6.3) and Ciutadella (5.7). Eivissa closes the list (5.4), is Castell (5.2) and Sant Llorenç and Sant Lluis, with 5 each. Formentera, for its part, is the municipality with the lowest score: 0.
By islands, in Mallorca they approve 6 consistories, 11.1%; in Minorca 4, 50%; in Ibiza they approve 2, 40%, and Formentera disapproves.
The analysis model, designed by the Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship of the UAB (LPCCP-UAB), integrates 52 indicators that stipulate two types of validation criteria: that there is updated information referred to in the management and that it is correctly located and easily located.

Palma City Council: Photo: Palma City Council.
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