The Trasmed shipping company is moving towards a sustainable and ecological model in 2022 with an investment of 30 million euros to renew its fleet that links the peninsula with the Balearic Islands. Miguel Pardo, Commercial Director of Trasmed, has commented that “the ship is a means of transport that allows us to travel safely and comfortably, for this reason, we are renewing and improving the fleet to reach the summer in the best conditions, and we have set ourselves up to date very quickly with computer systems and technical processes to reach the public in the best way”
. At the Madrid Tourism Fair (Fitur), the company announced its initiatives for this year. Another of the objectives set is the commitment to sustainability, for this reason, Pardo added, “we are working hard on this matter to move towards a more sustainable fleet”.
Moreover, the renovation and improvement work will also mean progress in the sustainability of the ships thanks to the installation of polluting gas purification systems in each of them. An example of this is the ECO ro-ro cargo ships. Twelve hybrid units of the new Grimaldi class, a 5th generation ship built by the Chinese shipyard Jinling which, thanks to its unique design, are the largest in the world for short sea shipping and also the most ecological.
On the other hand, it should be noted that one of the commitments by the shipping company has been the implementation of different measures to travel with pets on all the Grimaldi Group ships that connect the peninsula with the Balearic Islands. “We believe that it is a niche market and a product that is already working very well”, commented the commercial director.
Finally, he concluded that “the islands and our destination are our reason for being and we try to collaborate with them in the best possible way by sponsoring sporting events and betting on quality gastronomy and local products”. For his part, Ettore Morace, CEO of Trasmed GLE, analyzed the first months of the company’s existence, which, he assured, “have been very intense”. “On July 20 we bought all the ships and terminals from the Armas Trasmediterranea group to run the lines between Barcelona and Valencia to the Balearic Islands and since then we have worked tirelessly with a team of young, expert and highly motivated managers who have accepted the new challenge with great enthusiasm”.
Regarding the operational part, at the beginning, “we decided not to change too much and kept the website, the booking engine and the entire Trasmediterránea infrastructure” managing, he declared, “to end the summer with good occupancy figures for both passengers and charging and without any technical problem”. Now, however, once the summer season is over, “we have got down to work taking advantage, from the first moment, of the synergies with the Grimaldi Group. A clear example of this, he said, “has been the diversion of one of the mega roro trucks with a capacity of 500 trucks to Palma to literally clean the dock of the trucks that had accumulated during the season”.

Miguel Pardo, Commercial Director of Trasmed, and Ettore Morace, CEO of Trasmed GLE, explain the company’s objectives at Fitur. Photo: Trasmed.
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