La Lluna en Vers 2024 is one of the most anticipated cultural events of the summer on the island. This Summer Festival, organized by the Fundació Mallorca Literària with the collaboration of the Consell de Mallorca, combines literature, poetry, music, and performing arts in a unique atmosphere under the moonlit Mallorcan nights. This year marks its 15th edition, featuring a total of 15 activities that will take place between June 22 and September 7.

Caamaño & Ameixeiras present their new album ‘Quitar o aire!’ in Binissalem. Photo:

As usual, the selected venues for the performances are emblematic locations on the island, creating a magical atmosphere that attracts both residents and visitors. The Jardí de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga in Binissalem, the Casa Blai Bonet, the Teatre Principal in Santanyí, and the Santuari de Consolació in Sant Joan will host theatrical works by companies such as Teatre Nu and Estudi Zero, as well as musical recitals by artists including the Galicians Caamaño & Ameixeiras, the Catalans Judit Nedderman and Ferran Palau, the Madrilenian Ede, the Portuguese Salvador Sobral, and the Mallorcan Maria Hein (Mobofest in Porreres), among others.

Tickets can be purchased on the festival’s official website:

La Lluna en Vers 2024 Programme

La Lluna en Vers 2024

June 22

  • Event: Ferran Palau presents his new album Plora aquí
  • Time: 9:30 PM
  • Price: 18/20€
  • Location: Jardín de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga (Binissalem)

June 29

  • Event: Xarim Aresté presents his new album Un idioma nou
  • Time: 9:30 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Teatre de Santanyí

July 6

  • Event: Double concert by Anna Ferrer & Clara Fiol + Alidé Sans
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 15/18€
  • Location: Consolació (Sant Joan)

July 13

  • Event: The Teatre Nu collective performs the play Estimadíssims malvats
  • Time: 9:30 PM
  • Price: 15/18€
  • Location: Jardí de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga (Binissalem)

July 20

  • Event: Blaumut presents their new album Abisme
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 15/18€
  • Location: Consolació (Sant Joan)

July 26

  • Event: Maria Hein performs at Mobofest
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 39€
  • Location: Mobofest (Porreres)

July 27

  • Event: Imaràntia performs Retruc
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Jardí de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga (Binissalem)

August 3

  • Event: Double concert by Salvador Sobral + Ede
  • Time: 8:30 PM
  • Price: 30/35€
  • Location: Consolació (Sant Joan)

August 10

  • Event: Va com va: tornar a les arrels. Tribute to the words of Vicent Andrés Estellés
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Jardí de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga (Binissalem)

August 17

  • Event: Gregotechno: Gregorian chant + electronics + cosmic visuals
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Casa Blai Bonet. Centre de poesia (Santanyí)

August 25

  • Event: Judit Nedderman concludes her Lar album tour
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 18/20€
  • Location: Consolació (Sant Joan)

August 30

  • Event: Caamaño & Ameixeiras present their new album Quitar o aire!
  • Time: 9:00 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Jardí de la Casa Llorenç Villalonga (Binissalem)

September 7

  • Event: The Estudi Zero company performs the play El gran manicomi
  • Time: 8:00 PM
  • Price: 12/15€
  • Location: Teatre Principal de Santanyí