The marketing of oil with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Mallorca olive oil -Aceite de Mallorca- reached a record figure of 374,000 litres in 2024, representing an 18.3% increase compared to 2023. This growth is reflected not only in the sales volume but also in its value, which rose to €5,716,000, a 30.1% increase over the previous year.

The majority of PDO Mallorca olive oil, 80%, is sold in the Illes Balears, while 7% is marketed in the rest of Spain and 13% is exported to international markets. Germany is the main export destination, accounting for 57% of total sales, followed by Switzerland (15%) and Japan (13%), while the remaining 15% is distributed among other countries.

Mallorca olive oil at the World Olive Oil Exhibition

In an effort to continue promoting the marketing and recognition of Balearic oil, the Govern, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment, is participating for the first time in the World Olive Oil Exhibition (WOOE), the most important international fair dedicated to extra virgin olive oil. This event is taking place on 11 and 12 March at IFEMA, Madrid, bringing together producers, distributors, and industry experts.

Aceite de Mallorca

Image from the PDO Aceite de Mallorca tasting at the World Olive Oil Exhibition in Madrid. Photo: CAIB.

During the fair, two tastings of extra virgin olive oils from the Illes Balears have been organised to promote their quality and unique characteristics. The first tasting, held on Tuesday, focused on PDO Aceite de Mallorca products from brands such as Aubocassa, Sa Cadernera, Son Catiu, Treurer, and Rodamón. The second tasting, scheduled for today, Wednesday, will feature oils from the PGI Aceite de Menorca -Oli de Menorca- (Son Felip, Al Parico), PGI Aceite de Ibiza -Oli d’Eivissa- (Can Rich), and PDO Aceite de Mallorca (Can Feliu).

The Director General of Agro-Food Quality and Local Products, Joan Llabrés, highlighted the importance of this participation in WOOE, stressing that “the presence of extra virgin olive oil produced in the Illes Balears at the fair will help introduce its excellent quality to producers worldwide.” He also pointed out that “although in some parts of mainland Spain it is not widely known that olive oil is produced in the Illes Balears, the olive tree is one of the quintessential Mediterranean crops and has shaped a landscape that has become one of the most characteristic features of the Serra de Tramuntana.”