Ibiza’s gastronomy is becoming more and more popular. Anyone who has ever tasted the spectacular ‘bullit de peix’ has certainly never tasted it once in their life. With it, finger-licking is no longer a cliché.

Long-established restaurants and Michelin-starred chefs such as Óscar Molina, Álvaro Sanz Clavijo, Dani García, Paco Roncero and Martín Berasategui shine on the island as defenders of the local ‘kilometre 0’ flavour and as experts in turning the most traditional dishes upside down. The quality of the seafood is guaranteed by ‘peix nostrum’, the local brand that brings together the Ibizan fishing sector.

gastronomía ibiza bullit de peix

Bullit de peix.

Among the best recipes of Ibiza’s gastronomy, of course, is not only ‘bullit de peix’, but also traditional dishes such as ‘sofrit pagés’, ‘borrida de ratjada’ or desserts such as ‘greixonera’ or ‘flaó’.

Despite being on the most fashionable island in the Mediterranean, there is plenty to choose from to enjoy excellent dishes at a good price both in the capital and in unique places: overlooking Es Vedrà or with your feet in the sand in one of the many beach bars around the island. Good fresh fish and unique local desserts are available in all the municipalities. Any place is ideal for sampling the gastronomy of Ibiza.

But visitors do not live by the sea alone. The peasant chicken, porc negre or Ibizan lamb are real treats for the palate after a day at the beach. All of this reaches its peak when combined with the famous Ibizan salt, its prized olive oil and its high quality wines, which were already enjoyed by the Romans.