Fira de Puigpunyent 2024 will take place on June 1 and 2, an event that celebrates the local tradition with a wide variety of activities for all ages. This celebration is not only an ideal opportunity to enjoy the gastronomy and culture of the municipality but also to strengthen community bonds in a festive and family-friendly atmosphere.

Image of the urban core of Puigpunyent. Photo: Consell de Mallorca.

On Saturday, June 1, the activities include a free climbing wall, a performance by the Castellers de Tramuntana, and a herb workshop led by Margalida Ballester. The day will culminate with a dinner of local products and live music by VersionaDos and DJ Eugesh.

On Sunday, June 2, the fair offers intergenerational games and psychomotor activities in the Town Hall Square. There will also be parades with giants and workshops on facial self-care and sun protection. The fair concludes with traditional competitions, snacks, and concerts by local groups.

Fira de Puigpunyent 2024 Programme

Saturday, June 1

  • 18:00 – 22:00: Free climbing wall with Es Cau in Plaça de l’Ajuntament.
  • 18:00: Start of the fair with a performance by the Castellers de Tramuntana.
  • 19:30: Herb workshop by Mestre Biel led by Margalida Ballester. Bring a glass bottle. Price: 10€/liter.
  • 21:30: Fair dinner “Fet aquí”: brown bread, sobrasada from CA’N RIBAS, and semi-cured artisanal Menorcan cheese from D’EN VINENT.
    • Purchase tickets at the Town Hall until 05/30. Price: 6€ to benefit the CEIP Puig de na Fàtima study trip.
  • 23:30: Performance by Versionados + DJ Eugesh.

Sunday, June 2

  • 10:00 – 14:00:
    • Intergenerational Games Ludemecum in the Culture Room.
    • Recycled games and carousel with Lila Jocs Reciclats in Plaça de l’Ajuntament.
  • 10:00 – 13:00: Directed psychomotor games (Consell de Mallorca) in Plaça de l’Ajuntament.
  • 10:00: Start of the commercial fair.
  • 10:30: Parade and dance of giants with the xeremiers from Galilea and Puigpunyent Colla del Dit.
  • 11:00: Facial self-care workshop + introduction to facial yoga (Ringana) in the Municipal Library.
  • 11:30: Performance by the Escola de Ball de Galilea in Plaça de l’Ajuntament.
  • 13:00: Talk/Workshop on Sun Protection: Skin care for a healthy summer (Ringana) in the Municipal Library.
  • 15:30: Competition of Tall de verduc i fer estelles (male and female categories).
  • 18:00: Snack of ice cream and coca de cuarto.
  • 18:30: Concert by Veus de la Tardor.
  • 19:00: End-of-year concert by the Escola de música de Puigpunyent.