The Febrer negre festival returns to Palma after being suspended due to COVID-19 in previous years. It will have routes that will cover crime scenes, conferences, meetings with authors of the genre and film noir screenings. The programming of the Febrer Negre novel and film noir festival returns to Palma between the 15th and 19th, reports EFE.

The inaugural conference, entitled “From paper to image”, will be offered on February 15 at the Cort library (6:30 pm) by professor and critic Josep Romaguera. This has been possible thanks to the involvement of the Cultural Activities Service and the UIB Vice-Rector for Cultural Outreach and the Open University, Palma City Council reported in a statement.

Programming February Black 2022

In this twelfth edition, new proposals from authors of the genre will be presented, such as Hugo Catolino (he will present “Les pells del dimoni” on the 16th at 5:30 p.m. at Embat Llibres), Laia Vilaseca (“La noia del vestit blau”, on the 16th, 6:30 p.m., Embat Llibres) and Jordi Dausà (“De sobte pensa en mi”, 18th, 6:00 p.m., Quars Llibres).

In the presentation of “Mystery in Deià”, by Xavier Moret (17th, 7:00 pm, Quars Llibres) the author, the writer and editor Sebastià Bennasar and the mayor of Deià, Lluís Apesteguia, will take part.

Also present at this Febrer Negre 2022 consecrated figures. Among them, Sebastià Bennasar (“El somriure dels guepards”, day 18 at 7:00 p.m., Quars Llibres) and Mikel Santiago on the Black Novel Club Mosqueiro and “2012-2021. 10 anys of the reading club” (on the 19th, at noon in Quars Llibres). In addition, the journalist Tura Soler will give a talk about a real crime and will present “El pantà maleït” (on the 18th at 5:00 p.m. in Quars Llibres).

And there will be two itineraries through Palma: one led by the writer Sebastià Bennasar who will go over Guillem Frontera’s “Escenaris negrecriminals” (directed by the Fundación Mallorca Literaria, departing from La Misericórdia, on the 17th at 5:00 p.m.), and another guided by the journalist Joan Carles Palos, who will tell true stories of crimes in Palma “True crime” (on the 19th, departure at 10 from Plaza de Cort).

As for the screenings, this year you can see “1280 Almas”, by Bertrand Tavernier (on the 15th at 8:30 pm); and “A quemarropa”, by John Boorman (16th, 20:00), both at the Catalina Valls municipal theatre.

festival febrer negre 2022

Presentation of the crime novel festival 2022. Photo: Palma City Council.