From August 31 to September 14, 2024, the Santuari de Lluc, the spiritual heart of Mallorca, will become a hub of celebrations and activities in honor of the Mare de Déu de Lluc. The Festes de la Diada 2024, an annual event eagerly awaited by locals and visitors alike, offers a rich program that combines tradition, culture, and devotion. Among the highlights is the Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana 2024 on Sunday, September 8. These festivities provide a unique opportunity to experience the essence of the island, with events designed for all ages.

Festes de la Diada 2024 Program at Lluc

diada 2024 santuari de lluc

The program of the Festes de la Diada 2024 at the Lluc Monastery is extensive and varied, ensuring that all attendees find something of interest. From religious services to cultural and recreational activities, the festivities promise to be a memorable celebration.

Saturday, August 31

  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass
  • 1:15 p.m.: Salve sung by the Escolania
  • 6:00 p.m.: Flag raising with a parade of caparrots and Xeremiers de Son Roca
  • 7:00 p.m.: Vestitions of the new blauets in the Basilica
  • 9:00 p.m.: Instrumental course closing by the Escolania, open to all in the patio of the blauets

Sunday, September 1

  • 11:00 a.m.: Mass with the participation of the Escolania
  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass

Thursday, September 5

  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass
  • 1:15 p.m.: Salve sung by the Escolania
  • 5:00 p.m.: Cooperative games for children in the Escolania
  • 7:00 p.m.: Triduum Mass in honor of the Mare de Déu in the Basilica, with the participation of the Escolania

Friday, September 6

  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass
  • 1:15 p.m.: Salve sung by the Escolania
  • 5:00 p.m.: Creative games for children in the Escolania
  • 7:00 p.m.: Triduum Mass in honor of the Mare de Déu in the Basilica, with the participation of the Escolania
  • 9:00 p.m.: Night sky observation in the Escolania patio

Saturday, September 7

  • 10:30 a.m.: Opening of the Artisan Market
  • 11:00 a.m.: Guided tour of the Santuari (Registration at reception, minimum 10 participants, meeting point at the plaça dels Pelegrins)
  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass
  • 1:15 p.m.: Salve sung by the Escolania
  • 6:00 p.m.: Parade with the caparrots and Xeremiers Orats from Pollença
  • 7:00 p.m.: Commemoration of the Trobada (Gathering at the plaça del Lledoner for the Rosary by the Pujol dels Misteris with luminaries, chant of the Goigs from the 17th century in the Basilica)
  • 9:30 p.m.: Traditional Diada eve celebration with entertainment by the groups Balladors de Lluc and Sonadors Sonats. Includes popular dancing, raffle, Salve and plegamans to the Mare de Déu at midnight, with bunyols and sweet wine for everyone

Sunday, September 8 – La Diada 2024

  • 4:30 a.m.: Start of the XLIII Pujada a Peu de la Part Forana from the plaça del Bestiar d’Inca, organized by the Associació d’Antics Blauets
  • 7:00 a.m.: Reception of pilgrims in the Ca s’Amitger area (chocolate and distribution of traditional mides)
  • 8:00 a.m.: Trobada de Gegants at the plaça dels Pelegrins
  • 8:45 a.m.: Welcome at the Acolliment by the President of the Associació dels Antics Blauets and offering from the villages (essential products for Caritas). Eucharist presided by Mn. Marià Gastalver and animated by the Coral dels Antics Blauets
  • 11:00 a.m.: Solemn Eucharist in the Basilica presided by Mons. Sebastià Taltavull, with the participation of the Escolania
  • Starting at noon: Ball de bot by Balladors de Lluc and Sonadors Sonats at the Acolliment
  • Throughout the day: Open house to visit the Museum, the Market, and the Botanical Garden

Thursday, September 12 – Liturgical Feast of the Mare de Déu de Lluc

  • 12:30 p.m.: Mass in the Basilica
  • 1:15 p.m.: Salve sung by the Escolania
  • 5:00 p.m.: (Mallorca time) Official twinning ceremony between the Santuari de Lluc and the Cofradía de Lluc from Mendoza (Argentina)

Saturday, September 14

  • 7:00 p.m.: Concert by Lost in Translation at the plaça del Lledoner (Passion for cinema and music)

Pujada a Peu de la Part Forana 2024

One of the most anticipated moments is the XLIII Pujada a Peu de la Part Forana, which will begin at 4:30 a.m. on September 8. This pilgrimage is an expression of faith and community, bringing together thousands of pilgrims who walk together towards Lluc. Also noteworthy are the nights filled with music and dance. On September 7, the traditional Revetla de la Diada will enliven all attendees with popular dances and live music. On September 14, the Lost in Translation concert will close the Festes de la Diada 2024 with a fusion of cinema and music.