Until February 27, contemporary art exhibits all its potential and ease at the ARCO 2022 Fair, where five Majorcan galleries – Horrach Moyà, Fran Reus, L21, Baró and Pelaires- present themselves with a selection of artists who express new forms of creation, in addition to painting, photography and installations, among other proposals.
Galería Baró celebrates its participation by bringing together a careful selection of works by Amparo Sard, Albert Pinya, Ángel Marcos, Gary Hill, Solimán López, José María Sicilia, Oscar A. Pabon, Paula Anta, Rosell Meseguer and Sidival Fila, artists whose languages express the spirit that the gallery has.
ARCO 2022: 3D art and technology
With his surprising piece ‘Haptic Self-Portrait’, Sard manages to transcend the visual and becomes tactile. Thus, she creates a new trend in the art world. The viewer can pierce the piece and experience the same tactile sensation thanks to a revolutionary virtual reality technology in which the Adema University School participated.
Fran Reus, for his part, is the first time he has participated in ARCO. Bet on the acid look of Bell Fullana, with an aesthetic that celebrates street culture and mass phenomena. It also has works by Abel Jaramillo, winner of Generación 2022.
With the work of Carles Congost, the Horrach Moyà gallery makes a foothold in Madrid with a series of unpublished photographs taken for ARCO. And L21 stands out with a striking stand that simulates five exhibition halls.

Nicolas Woods’ work at Pelaires Gallery. Photo: Grimalt de Blanch.
Until February 27, contemporary art exhibits all its potential and ease at the ARCO 2022 Fair, where five Majorcan galleries – Horrach Moyà, Fran Reus, L21, Baró and Pelaires- present themselves with a selection of artists who express new forms of creation, in addition to painting, photography and installations, among other proposals.
Galería Baró celebrates its participation by bringing together a careful selection of works by Amparo Sard, Albert Pinya, Ángel Marcos, Gary Hill, Solimán López, José María Sicilia, Oscar A. Pabon, Paula Anta, Rosell Meseguer and Sidival Fila, artists whose languages express the spirit that the gallery has.
ARCO 2022: 3D art and technology
With his surprising piece ‘Haptic Self-Portrait’, Sard manages to transcend the visual and becomes tactile. Thus, she creates a new trend in the art world. The viewer can pierce the piece and experience the same tactile sensation thanks to a revolutionary virtual reality technology in which the Adema University School participated.
Fran Reus, for his part, is the first time he has participated in ARCO. Bet on the acid look of Bell Fullana, with an aesthetic that celebrates street culture and mass phenomena. It also has works by Abel Jaramillo, winner of Generación 2022.
With the work of Carles Congost, the Horrach Moyà gallery makes a foothold in Madrid with a series of unpublished photographs taken for ARCO. And L21 stands out with a striking stand that simulates five exhibition halls.

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