His Majesty the King received Margalida Prohens, President of the Balearic Islands, this morning at 10:10 am at the Royal Palace of La Almudaina. This audience is part of the series of meetings with representatives of the islands’ institutions at the start of the Royal Family’s summer stay in Palma.

After the reception with Felipe VI, Prohens said on her social networks that “once again, I have been able to confirm not only the King’s profound knowledge and esteem for the reality of these islands, but also his monitoring of the present and future challenges facing the Balearic Islands”’.

Meetings with other representatives of the islands’ institutions

This morning, His Majesty the King also received Gabriel Le Senne, President of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands; Jaime Martínez, Mayor of Palma; and Llorenç Galmés, President of the Consell de Mallorca.