The TIB network, bus, train and metro, during 2021 has moved 11,378,559 users, of which 6,797,501 are bus users and 4,581,058 of the rail network (train and metro). Thus, the demand that has existed during 2021 has been 69% of that existing with respect to 2019, reported the Minister of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, and the General Director of Mobility and Land Transport, Jaume Mateu, when presenting the results .
The total demand for interurban service (bus, train and metro) has increased in the last months of the year. During the month of November it was 2% higher than that of 2019, going from 944,585 to 965,878 users. In December, demand was 4.14% higher than in 2019, going from 825,945 to 860,144 travelers.
Bus users have been more than there were during the same months of 2019, which has represented an increase of 13.6% in November and 23.4% in December compared to the demand of two years ago .
“These are the results of the firm commitment to the constant improvement of the public transport service, which faces the year 2022 with more important challenges, such as the continuation of works to improve the railway infrastructures, and new projects whose works will begin this year, such as the extension of the metro to Parc Bit or the new train stop in the city of Inca, while the processing of other emblematic projects such as the Palma tram progresses ”, said Marí.
In addition, the change in the fare system has reduced the average price of the trip. Taking into account the total bus, train and metro and all transport tickets, the average price has gone from 2.03 euros in 2019 to 1.85 euros in 2021.
This measure has also led to a strong increase in intermodal card issuance (with 46,058 new cards in 2021), which is the payment system already used by 65.6% of users.
The extension of free travel to those under 16 years of age has multiplied the number of users in this age group. It has gone from 21,543 users in January to 66,062 in September (the measure came into effect in the middle of this month) and up to 99,540 users in December.
The fare integration with the EMT was completed in November, which facilitates the combination of journeys between the interurban systems and the EMT buses, with free transfers. 38,863 trips have been made with the TIB card in the EMT since July.
The incorporation of the bank card as a travel document has been a new measure that has facilitated user travel, especially for non-residents or occasional travelers.

TIB passengers queue to get on the bus. PHOTO: GOIB.
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