The Superior Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJIB) endorsed the expansion of the use of the COVID certificate in the activities of greater social concentration that the Government had agreed last week. In this way, from this Wednesday the measures to guarantee safe spaces are activated in the midst of the health crisis, which yesterday produced 1916 infections in the Balearic Islands.
These measures imply for the islands that have alert level 3, such as Mallorca, Menorca and Eivissa, the obligation to request the COVID Certificate from all catering establishments, regardless of their capacity; in all cultural establishments, regardless of whether it is consumed or not, and in all events organized on the occasion of popular festivals that cannot be postponed, as recommended by the health authorities.
Apart from all the areas in which the COVID Certificate was already required according to the health alert levels (included in the Agreement of the Governing Council of October 25, 2021), the Agreement now validated by the courts adds others to the existing ones , specifically for territories that are at level 3 or higher.
The new scopes that are included are the following:
– Gyms of all kinds and other sports facilities.
– Dance academies.
– All kinds of cultural and sporting events in indoor spaces, such as cinemas, tent circuses, theaters, auditoriums, concert halls (regardless of whether consumption is allowed or not), spas, thermal pools and other covered establishments where they take place cultural and sports activities – Congresses, seminars, conferences, assemblies, meetings, business meetings, conferences and events.
– Clubs for the elderly and spaces that carry out activities that are their own.
– Gambling and betting establishments. – Catering establishments qualifying as such in accordance with the provisions of articles 53, 54 and 55 of Law 8/2012, of July 19, on tourism in the Balearic Islands, with interior capacity for less than 50 people. The provisions of this section also apply to spaces with catering services located in tourist accommodation, sports facilities, recreational centers for the elderly and gambling and betting venues. It is also applicable to establishments or premises where celebrations are held with the participation of less than 50 people and in which catering and / or dance activities are provided, as well as to any establishment or facility where catering activities are carried out.
– Participation in sports competitions and regional training sessions outdoors and indoors for people over 12 years old.
Measures applicable to popular festivals
When a territory is at health alert level 3 or higher, and in the field of popular festivals, capacity controls will have to be established for access to all acts carried out in open spaces or outdoors, such as festivals, concerts, popular dances, open-air dinners or similar, associated with the celebration of popular festivals, whatever the specific denomination.
– Foguerons. You can not organize towers, or enable areas for the consumption of food and beverages. The dance activities (popular dances) that can be carried out in any event must be carried out with the mandatory use of a mask and in delimited spaces.
– Religious celebrations. Religious celebrations must respect the maximum capacity of places of worship at all times. Participants must remain seated and wear the mask. Entry and exit from the place of worship should be carried out in an orderly manner and should be avoided by the same access or exit.
– Cavalcades of the Kings, parades, beneïdes. It should be ensured that the public attending these activities (who participate in a static way) do so while maintaining a safe distance. Therefore, measures must be applied that make possible a greater swelling of the space where they are carried out. It is recommended to extend the routes and / or expand the areas in which these activities take place to avoid crowds of people.
– Popular mass events, such as dance of dimonis, captes de dimonis, Pi de Ternelles party or concerts linked to popular festivals or the end of the year. These events must be held in delimited spaces and guaranteeing access control so that capacity is respected. Entrance and exit must be carried out in an orderly manner and should be avoided by the same entrance or exit, and the public must attend seated. The maximum possible distance between those attending the event should be sought. The use of a mask is mandatory, even if the event takes place outdoors. Events and activities can be carried out with the assistance of a maximum of 80% of the capacity of the space in closed spaces and 100% of the capacity in outdoor spaces.

A waiter with a mask takes an order. Photo: Pixabay.
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