The Balearic Islands registered 52,504 unemployed people in February, which is 37.9% less than a year ago (32,077 less unemployed, the largest reduction in all of Spain, where unemployment fell by 22.4% year-on-year).
As happened with the data for January, unemployment for February is the lowest figure recorded for 14 years (2008), and one of the four lowest in the entire historical series. Thus, last month 442,814 affiliated people were registered, which represents a year-on-year increase of 7.1% and 29,679 affiliated people more than a year ago.
The general director of the Economic Model and Employment, Llorenç Pou, has presented the data on affiliation and unemployment corresponding to the month of February, and has pointed out that the Balearic Islands are, together with the Canary Islands, the communities where job creation is most intense , well above the state average, which placed membership growth at 4.5%.
In addition, the reactivation of the tourist market for this season is evident. The call for discontinuous permanent workers has multiplied by six in relation to last year: between January and February, 12,103 workers have already been called, almost 10,000 more than last year.
In month-on-month terms, the increase was especially intense in hotels (4,522) and construction (2,087). On the other hand, the number of workers in ERTE continues to decline month by month. On the last day of February, 5,566 people registered, which represents a decrease of 273 people compared to the previous month.

A waiter takes an order at a bar in Palma. Photo: MG.
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