The Agrupació Balear de Serveis Immobiliaris (ABSI) confirmed that the real estate sector is recovering with figures similar to those of 2019 by stating that in the first nine months of 2021 the associates made a total of 753 sales, a very similar amount compared to the same period of the last year before the pandemic.
This is clear from the quarterly survey carried out by ABSI among the 35 agencies that comprise it. Regarding the forecasts for the next few months, 82% of the agencies believe that these are positive, so everything seems to indicate that by the end of the year the 1,100 complete sales that were carried out will be reached in 2019. In addition, 79% of ABSI members think that prices may still go up a bit more, although if they do it will be slightly.
“When we talk about price increases we cannot generalize, since it depends a lot on the type of floor and the area, so the increases or decreases can vary greatly depending on these parameters,” explained Fernando Valentín, president of the Agrupació Balear de Serveis Immobiliaris.
More than 60% of the members of the group have found that rental prices have been maintained and consider that for the next six months they will remain stable. In addition, they confirmed that in the first nine months of this year, 397 contracts were signed, a figure very similar to that obtained during the first three quarters of 2019.

Foto: Pixabay
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