The Councilor of Presidency, Public Function and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, and the General Director of Coordination, Relations with the Parliament, Rights and Diversity, Isabel Castro, have deployed the LGTBI flag at the headquarters of the Conselleria, to express the support of the Government of the Balearic Islands to the whole collective.

It is an action that will also be done in the other departments of the Government, with which the executive intends to celebrate the LGTBI pride next Tuesday June 28 and make visible its commitment to continue promoting policies aimed at building a diverse and inclusive society from the affective, sexual and gender point of view.

In fact, it has recently been six years since the approval of the LGTBI Law of the Balearic Islands, a pioneering norm in the State that has allowed to create a range of protection and recognition of rights for lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex people in the Islands.

Since it was passed in 2016, the Law has promoted the creation of the Consell LGTBI, the Gender Unit Service of Son Espases, the development of protocols for the care of trans students, sanctions for hate crimes and sex reassignment operations for transgender people have been expedited.

Precisely, last week the Consell LGTBI gave its approval to a protocol for local police for prevention and action against hate crimes, developed by the Institute of Public Safety of the Balearic Islands.

This protocol will serve as a guide for police forces to have tools to prevent aggressions for reasons of sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as to act in cases that occur and to know how to assist victims and how to detect the motivation of these crimes.

Among other functions, this instrument also aims to advance in the homogenization of the procedures of action of the local police of the Balearic Islands and facilitate the collaboration of this body with other forces and law enforcement agencies of the State, in addition to establishing links with the community and social actors to ensure a climate of coexistence and rejection of hatred or discrimination.