The Conselleria d’Educació i Formació Professional has informed the educational centers today of the implementation of a system of rapid substitutions for COVID, similar to that applied in primary school, with teachers from the linguistic and scientific-technical fields. This team will have 2 teachers on the island of Menorca, 4 on the island of Ibiza and 20 on the island of Mallorca.
This exchange is added to the one that is already underway in primary school, currently with 90 teachers: 61 to Mallorca, 9 to Menorca, 18 to Eivissa and 2 to Formentera.
The system of urgent substitutions allows to attend the withdrawals in a maximum period of 48 hours and helps to alleviate the impact of the positives among the teachers of the educational centers in the current phase of COVID-19 infections.
The urgent substitution system is complemented by the ordinary substitution system and the reorganization of the resources of each center.
Regarding concerted teaching, a system has been agreed between employers, unions and the Ministry to make the substitutions of COVID casualties more agile.

Un docente dicta clases en una escuela de Palma. Foto: CAIB.
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