The Conselleria de Salut i Consum of the Govern de les Illes Balears warns the public about the dangers of the increasingly frequent medical pseudotherapies which, in many cases, take advantage of the extreme vulnerability of people suffering from serious illnesses.

investigación médica, laboratorio, científica

The Conselleria urges patients to be treated according to the best scientific evidence available at any given time. Photo: CAIB.

Salut wishes to issue this warning on the occasion of an event organised by the self-styled Sweet Revolution group on 26 July. This group is known for its criticism of both the pharmaceutical industry and the World Health Organisation, and has been outspoken in its opposition to vaccines. In addition, it frequently advocates treatments without scientific evidence that may even be harmful to health.

The Regional Ministry recalls the existence of the Plan for the Protection of People’s Health against Pseudotherapies, drawn up by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Innovation ( This plan aims to provide citizens with accurate and rigorous information, allowing them to differentiate between practices whose efficacy in treating or curing illnesses has been scientifically proven and those that have not, thus promoting informed decisions.

The Organización Médica Colegial (OMC) also has an Observatory ( that keeps up to date on the latest therapies that are not scientifically valid.

The main risk of many of these techniques or therapies is to induce a belief in the client that the technique or therapy works on its own, which can lead to it becoming their first or only option for a health problem.