The Conselleria of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Natural Environment has urged the population of the Balearic Islands to collaborate in the detection and control of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina), an invasive species that has begun to spread throughout the archipelago. This year, a total of 10 nests have been identified in Mallorca, located in the municipalities of Palma, Calvià, Mancor de la Vall, and Sóller.

Conseller Joan Simonet emphasized the importance of citizen participation in controlling the presence of this insect, which has a high reproductive capacity. “Early detection is crucial to prevent its spread to other areas of the Islands,” Simonet stated. “If someone locates a nest, it must be reported immediately to the Species Protection Service so that the elimination protocol can be activated.”

How to differentiate it

Asian hornet Mallorca

In response to this threat, the Govern created an infographic last June to help distinguish the Asian hornet from native wasp species, thus facilitating its identification. Once a nest is detected, it is removed and frozen to conduct a genetic study to determine its origin.

Since its first appearance in the Balearic Islands in 2015, in the municipality of Sóller, the Asian hornet has been the subject of a rigorous monitoring and surveillance program. This effort is carried out by the Conselleria, the Consortium for the Recovery of the Fauna of the Balearic Islands (COFIB), and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), which provide technical advice.

Citizens can report the presence of this invasive species through various channels, such as WhatsApp (606875244), email (, and the Línea Verde COFIB – Invasive Species platform ( and Vespapp (

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