The mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez, has presented the first action of the shock plan of cleaning and comprehensive improvement of the city that will be repeated in each neighborhood at least twice a year

‘Palma a Punt’ is the new plan of shock cleaning and comprehensive improvement of the neighborhoods of Palma that the City Council has already launched today in the neighborhood of Pere Garau. This is complementary to the ordinary services and will involve the participation of about a hundred workers from various municipal areas.

After the cleaning of the Pere Garau neighborhood, which will be carried out for three days, the special reinforcement will rotate through the nine cleaning sectors in which EMAYA divides the municipality.

Dates and neighborhoods of ‘Palma a Punt’, the cleaning plan in 9 sectors

Pere Garau is part of EMAYA’s cleaning sector 1-2 and, when the work finishes next Wednesday, the special reinforcement will move to Marqués de la Fontsanta, where they will be on September 20; in Foners street, where it is planned to act between 21 and 22 September and in Polígono de Llevant, where they will work between 22 and 26 September.

Then, the brigades will move to Soledat between 25 and 27 September; to Son Gotleu, between 27 and 29; to Can Capes, where they will be on 28; and, to finish the actions in the sector, they will go to Son Canals, Son Forteza and Els Hostalets between 29 and 30 September.

Subsequently, the special device will move during the first half of October to sector 3-4, which includes the areas of Camp Redó, Son Oliva, Plaza de Toros, Amanecer and Arxiduc, among others, while in the second half of October will be in the sector 5-6, which includes Son Armadans, Son Espanyolet, Son Dureta, Santa Catalina, El Jonquet, Son Cotoner and El Fortí, among others, and so on until completing the entire municipality.

This cleaning shock plan includes a series of coordinated and transversal actions that involve several municipal areas such as EMAYA, Infrastructures, Mobility, Security and Civism and Health, among others.

Actions of the new cleaning plan of Palma

EMAYA operators will be responsible for:

  • Cleaning of vandalism graffiti in public spaces, also on street furniture and signs (with Infrastructures and Mobility).
  • Increased pressure washing, especially in the most abandoned areas.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of containers and garbage cans, and replacement of those in poor condition.
  • Removal of bulky junk on public roads.
  • Weed clearing on public roads.

Infrastructure Area:

  • Repair of tree wells and restitution of trees and plants as necessary.
  • Repair of potholes in the road and sidewalks.
  • Revision of street lighting. Repair and cleaning or painting of supports. Replacement of damaged luminaires.
  • Cleaning of street furniture.
  • Facilitating accessibility at EMT stops and maintenance of BiciPalma anchors (with Mobility).

Mobility Area:

  • Maintenance and improvement of vertical signs and traffic lights. Replacement of those that are in poor condition and cannot be cleaned.
  • Painting of horizontal signage (zebra crossings, arrows…).

Safety and Civility:

  • Removal of abandoned vehicles on public roads in collaboration with the Local Police.
  • Control of scooters.
  • Noise control.
  • Traffic control.


  • Pest control.

Citizen Participation:

  • Information to neighbors about the different actions.

This plan will be complemented by a reinforcement of the service of environmental controllers to inform citizens of the municipal ordinances on civility and awareness campaigns to eradicate uncivic attitudes.