Mallorca Global Mag, spring-summer edition 2024, brings you the agenda of events in June in Mallorca. This information is part of the agenda of activities in Mallorca published in the paper magazine. Music, theatre and traditions not to be missed.


First edition of the Sensenom Festival, in which the best groups in Catalan come together in a single day of concerts to sing at the top of their lungs the songs that have left their mark on lives. Oques Grasses and 3 guest artists will perform. At 19:30 in Trui Son Fusteret.

Malú celebrates the 25th anniversary of the release of her debut album Aprendiz, with a series of concerts in theatres, through a journey through her catalogue of greatest hits. She will take the stage of the Auditòrium de Palma starting at 9:30 pm.

Palma’s Teatre Principal presents Cuirassa Oberta, the first proposal by the Marilén Ribot troupe. This is a circus show of her own creation, born out of a personal need to tackle intimate yet universal themes. 1st (20:00) and 2nd (18:00) June.

Biniali commemorates its Fira, centred on the traditional games of the municipality. A day to visit the town and enjoy its traditions and the liveliness of its streets.

In Puigpunyent, the Fira Artesana (Crafts Fair) will take over the streets throughout the weekend. Two days of festivities centred on local craft products.


One of the most important art events of the summer returns to Palma: Art Palma Summer. The gallery owners of Art Palma Contemporani open their doors to the public in one of the most eagerly awaited events for art lovers.

Presentació Art Palma Summer 2024 (2)

Photo: Ajuntament de Palma.

Les mil i una danses, a work by the Conservatori Professional de Música i Dansa de Mallorca (Professional Conservatory of Music and Dance of Mallorca), is coming to Palma’s Teatre Principal. Based on The Thousand and One Nights, this choreographic proposal will travel through some of its stories, interpreted through the prism of Spanish dance. It will begin at 20:00.


‘La Verbena’ is the new event that kicks off the summer programme in Puerto Portals. On the 7th of June the waiting dock fills with lights to become the stage for this popular ‘al fresco’ party where you can enjoy the #moment, live music and dancing among friends.

Sa Pobla becomes the potato capital in its traditional Fira Nocturna de la Patata. It will feature a programme of activities to encourage all those who visit this town.


In the midst of the joy and excitement of the reunion between three cousins, one of them wants to tell you a story. “The other day I received a call. They found a body by the river. Do you really know what happened to the grandfather? So begins the play Las niñas zombi, by Celso Giménez (La Tristura), at Palma’s Teatre Principal at 8 pm.


As part of the VI Festival Mallorcòpera, the Teatre Principal d’Inca presents La música de Berlanga (Berlanga’s Music). A tribute to the filmmaker through the music of his films, such as the famous ‘Americanos, os recibimos con alegría’ (Americans, we welcome you with joy). Starting at 20:00.


Mallorca’s most important music event returns to the former Aquapark in Calviá. Mallorca Live Festival 2024 will feature concerts by Pet Shop Boys, Aitana, Blondie, Rels B, Underworld, Love of Lesbian, Arde Bogotá and many more from 13 to 15 June.


The Mallorca Championships, a tournament that captivates players and fans alike, lands at the Santa Ponça Country Club. This event attracts the best players on the planet and marks the exciting end of the grass tour prior to Wimbledon. From 22nd to 29th June.

The always surprising company Agrupación Señor Serrano proposes in Una isla (An Island) a new episode, from a surprising perspective, of the eternal dilemma between the ‘I’ and the ‘we’, between individual interests and common interests. In Palma’s Teatre Principal at 20:00.


The whole of Mallorca gathers around the fire to celebrate the festival of Sant Joan (Saint John’s Day). La Nit del Foc or the traditional festival of Sant Joan features a combination of street parties, traditional food, concerts, drummers, dimonis and fireworks.

sant joan revetla


From 26th to 30th June Palma Pride or LGTBI Pride Day will be held in Palma. A demonstration to vindicate the rights of the collective will take place in the streets of Palma, as well as parallel events and activities.


The Andalusian duo Andy and Lucas continue their successful musical journey of two decades together and are coming to Mallorca with their tour Los últimos acordes (The Last Chords). They will be performing from 8 pm onwards in the Trui Son Fusteret venue.


On the occasion of LGTBI Pride Day, Palma’s Teatre Principal is staging Jo, travesti (Jo, travesti), by Roberto G. Alonso and Josep Maria Miró. A great tribute to all these artists who, with their actions, opened many doors to freedom. At 19:00.

Puerto Portals presents Blue Marina Day, a day to raise awareness of the innovative Blue Marina project whose purpose is to transform the way people relate to their surroundings. Different activities and workshops will be organised.