The President of the Govern de les Illes Balears, Marga Prohens, highlighted in the general policy debate that access to housing is the main issue facing the islands. In response, she unveiled an ambitious action plan with concrete measures to increase housing availability, particularly aimed at residents of the Balearic Islands.

Prohens in the general policy debate

1. Housing Emergency Decree

The action plan includes the implementation of a Housing Emergency Decree, which introduces various measures to increase the supply of housing:

  • Building upwards: allows for the construction of taller buildings to maximise land use.
  • Horizontal division: facilitates the division of large homes into smaller units suitable for affordable rental.
  • Conversion of commercial premises: vacant commercial spaces will be adapted into residential properties.
  • Build to Rent” programme: promotes the construction of new homes dedicated exclusively to social housing rentals.

“We will not hesitate to continue taking positive measures for the citizens. The way to lower housing prices is to bring more homes to the market, making use of existing properties, but also optimising available land for new homes,” Prohens added.

2. Public housing developments to address the housing crisis

The IBAVI (Balearic Housing Institute) will build new public housing developments aimed at social rentals and price-capped housing, specifically for Balearic residents.

3. Safe Rent Programme

This programme aims to provide stable and secure rentals for both landlords and tenants, ensuring that more people can access housing at affordable rental rates.

4. Over 7,000 homes on the market

With these initiatives, the Govern expects to release over 7,000 homes for social rental and regulated pricing, which will increase supply and help reduce rental prices.

5. New Housing Law in 2025

Prohens announced that a new Balearic Housing Law will be approved in 2025, aimed at strengthening all the measures mentioned and adapting housing policies to the current needs of the Balearic population.

With these initiatives, Prohens emphasised that the goal is to ensure that housing policy in the Balearic Islands is focused on residents and that available land is optimised for the construction of new homes.