Palma’s Municipal Car Park Plan envisages the possibility of creating 26 municipally-owned car parks, under concession and residential schemes, in the period 2024-2035, adding up to more than 8,000 new spaces and with a public-private investment of 240 million euros. The Municipal Car Park Plan foresees the creation of some 1,600 under concession, another 1,600 under direct management and a total of 4,931 under residential concession.

The mayor, Jaime Martínez Llabrés (centre), accompanied by the deputy mayor for Mobility, Toni Deudero, and the manager of the Municipal Parking Society, Lydia Pérez, during the presentation of the Municipal Parking Plan 2024-2035. Photo: Ajuntament de Palma.
The municipal government team plans to build 13 car parks during this term of office, with an investment of 116 million euros and 4,400 spaces planned, some of which could be ready by 2027. Specifically, there are four car parks under concession located in plaça Mediterráneo, Metge Josep Darder, plaça del Progrés and Tramuntana, with a total of 1,400 spaces; four car parks under direct management, located in plaça Mediterráneo, Metge Josep Darder, plaça del Progrés and Tramuntana, with a total of 1,400 spaces. 400 spaces; another 4 directly managed car parks in s’Aigua Dolça, the extension of Eusebi Estada and Vía Roma and Camí de les Meravelles, with a forecast of 963 spaces; and another 5 residential concession car parks located in Pau Casals, Plaça de Toros, Sagrat Cor, Plaça Barcelona and Martí Borneo, totalling 2,033 spaces.
Strategic planning
The mayor, Jaime Martínez Llabrés, stressed that “the Municipal Parking Plan is the result of strategic planning, based on technical criteria and taking into account the demands and needs of residents, for which surveys have been carried out and a detailed study of the existing needs in different neighbourhoods of Palma has been carried out, also taking into account the data contemplated in the PMUS, resulting in a medium and long-term plan”.
Martínez pointed out that Palma has a deficit of approximately 15,000 parking spaces, as specified in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS) in the year 2022, a situation that has worsened in recent years with the removal of 1,500 spaces in the Passeig Marítim and the pedestrianisation of streets such as Nuredduna.
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